  Public Ticket #3153440
Change employee while booking package slot


  • Daniel Badanjak started the conversation


    you described here how to book a slot in a purchased package from backend and frontend.

    In backend I can change the employee for customers package slot.

    I need an option for my costumers to change the employee if they want when they book their next appointment.

    Please make me happy and tell me that this is possible.

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Daniel Badanjak

  •  111
    Stanislav replied

    Hello Daniel,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Just to clarify the current logic in Amelia for picking/assigning employees to Service appointments from a Package;


    For example, if you assign multiple employees to a service, 

    when a customer purchases the package, 

    1.  If they choose a specific employee for the initial appointment(s) - if they do that, this employee will be the only one linked to the remaining appointments of that service in the package.

    -2. But, if they select "Any employee", (or if you hide employee selection from the front end),

    they will see all the time slots of all the available employees,

    and when they pick the date and time of the first appointment, Amelia will assign a random employee.

    Then later, when they come back to book additional appointments in that Service,

     all the trainers will be available, and all their time slots,

    so if the assigned trainer is busy, Amelia will randomly assign any other available employee.


    So, basically :

    1. If the customer chooses an employee,  this employee is then linked to all the remaining appointments of that service in that Package

    2. If the customer leaves it to "any employee", Amelia's logic will leave it as "random" for the remaining appointments.

    If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to open a new ticket, and we'll gladly help.

    Have a nice day!

    Kind Regards, 

    Stanislav Snagovskiy
    [email protected]

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  • Daniel Badanjak replied

    Hello Stanislav,

    thank you for clarifying Amelia logic.

    Our customers would like to have option always available when they book their appointment in "Date & Time" section of booking form, so they can easily see when a specific employee is available for the appointment and then decide which one they will book.

    So if they select specific employee and he is not available for desired time slot, they would like to chose another specific employee if maybe he is available for desired time slot. They don't want a random employee to be assigned.

    To sum it up, is there a possibility to make "Choose Employee" option always available when customers book their appointments in "Date & Time" step of booking?

    Thank you and best regards,

    Daniel Badanjak

  •  111
    Stanislav replied

    Dear Daniel,

    You are welcome,

    Thank you for your suggestion. 

    We carefully follow customers' requirements and try to implement most of them if they appear in requests from time to time, so we will add this to our idea list and look into some possible solutions on the plugin side in the future.

    I'll kindly ask you to add it as a feature suggestion on this page: https://features.wpamelia.com/.

    Features are pushed up on our "to-do" list when there are a lot of customers requesting those features, so having your vote as a customer can be beneficial to this feature being developed sooner.

    If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to open a new ticket, and we'll gladly help.

    Have a nice day!

    Kind Regards, 

    Stanislav Snagovskiy
    [email protected]

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  •  4
    Gauthier replied

    Hi Stanislav, I see in your answers that "If a client choose a specific employee for the initial appointment(s), this employee will be the only one linked to the remaining appointments of that service in the package."

    This exactly what I want to do on my Website but even if the client choose an employee on the frontend, it is still possible to choose an other employee on the Date and Time section...

    This is a very big problem because when a package is paid, I am paying the totality of the package to the employee selected at the origin. So it must not be possible to select an other employee... Please tell me that is possible to secure that ?

    Attached files:  _22062023_1654.mp4

  •  1,636
    Uroš replied

    Hello Gauthier,

    Thank you for reaching back out to us.

    I will fill in for Stanislav, we will continue or conversation on the following ticket.

    Looking forward to your reply on it.

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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