For some time now Amelia SMS notifications are acting weird. Some time there are a lot of messages undelivered and for some reason and happening very frequently is the SMS for the first appointment (at 9AM) next day is not even sent, at least not seen in history. It worked normally in the past. Cron job is setup correctly. I have set the next day reminder to be sent at 8AM and the first appointment starts at 9AM.
Cron is not Amelia's feature cron is a WordPress feature. You can use cron with Amelia, but setting cron is not part of Amelia's support because it is not our feature.
If your cron is not working and you cannot set it up, you need to contact your hosting provider so that they can set up the cron for you.
We will try to help you as best we can in the meantime cron is a Linux utility that schedules a command or script on your server to run automatically at a specified time and date. A cron job is the scheduled task itself. Cron jobs can be very useful to automate repetitive tasks like in our plugin for notifications.
Depending on the server, there are different configurations for it, which you can contact your hosting provider about, or you can check out one of the solutions for it on this link.
GET '' > /dev/null
WP Crontrol plugin is the best option if you're not familiar with cron jobs. You can find more info about it, and detailed instructions on how to set it up in our FAQ section.
So, if you already read that, and still need some clarification here's some further info.
You copy only the URL from below a scheduled notification:
Then, go to Tools/Cron Events, and click on the "Cron Schedules" tab. In it, add a 15-minute interval:
Then go back to the "Cron Events" tab and click on "Add new":
Below it, select the "PHP Cron event" radio button, and add the URL you copied from Amelia/Notifications in this form:
Below it add the name and set it to run a few minutes in the future, using the provided time format. So, if you're adding the cron event at 12:45 (local, current time), set it to run at 12:50; and then select the schedule you previously selected:
Click on Add Event, and that's it.
The cron runs every 15 minutes and checks if there's an email to be sent. So, in Amelia Notifications, your scheduled notifications are set to run every day at a certain time. If you set that time to be 15:00 (for example), the emails will be sent when the cron runs after that time.
For example, there's an appointment booked for tomorrow, and it's currently 14:44 - the cron runs, but since it's not yet 15:00, it doesn't send anything. It runs again after 15 minutes, so at 14:59, but there are still no emails flagged by Amelia, so it doesn't send anything. Then it runs again at 15:14 and it sees there's an email that should've been sent at 15:00, so it sends the email. It will only send emails when Amelia sees an appointment scheduled for the next day.
I hope that helps in case it doesn't please contact your hosting provider.
If you have any more questions please open another ticket and we will gladly help you there.
As I've mentioned my cron job is set up correctly. There is some problem with Amelia or something is interfering with the whole SMS notification feature. Because a lot of messages have status 'undelivered' and some messages aren't even sent.
For example...Today I've sent at least 5 test messages to different phone numbers/operators, but none of the SMS came through.
Thank you for purchasing our product, and for reaching out to us.
The SMS often has a status queued but is actually sent. The status of the SMS is not refreshed automatically.
We can log in to your site to test notifications to see if they are sent if you wish. For this, we need remote admin access. As for status queued we will work on it in the future.
If you give us temporary admin credentials we can take a look at regular SMS notifications to see if they work and where is the issue. But if only cron notifications do not work for that you need to contact your hosting provider.
Please provide me a temporary WP-admin (administrator) user for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most efficient way to see and resolve the issue.
We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course, we do not provide login data to third parties.
You can write credentials here just check PRIVATE Reply so nobody can see them except us.
We have tested your SMS notifications and we can see that they are working
If you have issue with scheduled notifications that are done via cron. For that, you need to contact your hosting provider so that they can set it up on your server.
Cron is not Amelia's feature cron is a WordPress feature. You can use cron with Amelia, but setting cron is not part of Amelia's support because it is not our feature.
If your cron is not working and you cannot set it up, you need to contact your hosting provider so that they can set up cron for you.
We will try to help you as best we can in the meantime cron is a Linux utility that schedules a command or script on your server to run automatically at a specified time and date. A cron job is the scheduled task itself. Cron jobs can be very useful to automate repetitive tasks like in our plugin for notifications.
Depending on the server, there are different configurations for it, which you can contact your hosting provider about, or you can check out one of the solutions for it on this link.
GET '' > /dev/null
WP Crontrol plugin is the best option if you're not familiar with cron jobs. You can find more info about it, and detailed instructions on how to set it up in our FAQ section.
So, if you already read that, and still need some clarification here's some further info.
You copy only the URL from below a scheduled notification:
Then, go to Tools/Cron Events, and click on the "Cron Schedules" tab. In it, add a 15-minute interval:
Then go back to the "Cron Events" tab and click on "Add new":
Below it, select the "PHP Cron event" radio button, and add the URL you copied from Amelia/Notifications in this form:
Below it add the name and set it to run a few minutes in the future, using the provided time format. So, if you're adding the cron event at 12:45 (local, current time), set it to run at 12:50; and then select the schedule you previously selected:
Click on Add Event, and that's it.
The cron runs every 15 minutes and checks if there's an email to be sent. So, in Amelia Notifications, your scheduled notifications are set to run every day at a certain time. If you set that time to be 15:00 (for example), the emails will be sent when the cron runs after that time.
For example, there's an appointment booked for tomorrow, and it's currently 14:44 - the cron runs, but since it's not yet 15:00, it doesn't send anything. It runs again after 15 minutes, so at 14:59, but there are still no emails flagged by Amelia, so it doesn't send anything. Then it runs again at 15:14 and it sees there's an email that should've been sent at 15:00, so it sends the email. It will only send emails when Amelia sees an appointment scheduled for the next day.
I hope that helps in case it doesn't please contact your hosting provider.
If you have any more questions please open another ticket and we will gladly help you there.
I think we are going nowhere with this support, and to be honest I'm getting a bit frustrated.
As I've mentioned before, no, there isn't any problem with my cron job. Because if the cron was not set up correctly the email notifications for 'appointment next day reminder' wouldn't get trough as well, but they do as they were supposed to.
The only problem are SMS notifications, scheduled or not. Even if I send myself a test notification by pressing the 'Sent Test SMS' button and put in my number (or any other number for that matter) I don't receive any SMS. Why is that? This test function is certainly not related to cron. And I've tested SMS notifications in the past and everything worked fine (these past tests are also seen in the screenshot below). Now in the past month or so for some reason it just stooped working. And there were no big changes on the website except the updates.
Is it possible that the SMS service stooped working in some counties or that the country code (for Slovenia) is not, correct? Who exactly is the service provider for SMS notifications, so I can reach out to them?
This is my cron job on cPanel:
This is a notification of cron job successful run:
This is the scheduled email that I got set via cron (mind the date and time):
And here the SMS would supposed to show up but for some unknown reason it does not (mind that the SMS shown are from 2021, but none from this year):
There must be a reason or some explanation for this strange behavior, and I'm all out of ideas...that's why I reached out to you guys...because I don't think this is a hosting problem since cron works fine, emails are working fine, website is working as it should just the SMS are not! And the most annoying thing about SMS not working is that I get charged for every SMS which in the end customers don't even receive. Hope you get my frustration, and that you'll be able to get me any explanation beside "your cron is not working"...
There aren't any limitations when it comes to Slovenia. The SMS provider doesn't support India, Saudi Arabia, and some other countries due to legal issues, but we have a lot of customers in EU, and a lot of customers in Slovenia - none of them had issues like this.
We're in Serbia, and I just tested the SMS feature on your site again. Just like Marko, I received the "TESTING..." SMS when I clicked on the "Send Test SMS". The 2nd row in the attached screenshot came after I booked an actual appointment (which was later deleted):
You can check the SMS History also - you'll see my number, and the "Delivered" status in there.
As you said, this has nothing to do with the CRON job, especially if you're not able to send yourself a TEST SMS.
Since this is working for us, and you're in Slovenia (a country that has no limitations imposed by Twilio), let's try some simple troubleshooting:
1. Deactivate Amelia, purge all cache, activate Amelia, and purge cache again. Then send yourself a test SMS.
2. Send a test SMS to a number you know hasn't received any messages from your site in the past.
3. Log out of your SMS profile in Amelia/Notifications/SMS Notifications and log back in. Then test again.
If all this fails, tell me - does Slovenia have any DNC (Do Not Contact) list? This would be a public/nation-wide list that would block all messages sent from automated services like Amelia. This is a long shot since (as far as I know) there are national DNC lists only in the USA, Australia, Canada, and UK.
Please let me know how it goes.
If that doesn't work, I have some relatives in Slovenia, so I can try sending an SMS from your site to them and see if it works. Maybe there is something related to Slovenia, but I sincerely doubt that (we'd have a lot more reports if this was the case).
So I did all the steps you've proposed. And I've done same things in the past (even before I contacted your support), I've also disabled the cache plugin but to no avail.
I tested everything my self again by using 'Send test SMS' as well as booking appointment. Nothing worked. I also asked my relatives to try it out as well by an booking appointment and logging into admin and sending them self a test SMS by 'Send test SMS' button. They are all living in different households using different phone operators (A1[Si.Mobil], Telekom[Mobitel] and Telemach), and nobody got any SMS notification.
The only difference I see in the SMS history is that all messages sent to our numbers have status 'Sent' and the message sent to your number has status 'Delivered'. But messages sent to real customers have status 'Undelivered'. Which is quite strange.
Are there any logs which could be looked up on my server or in WordPress, to see what is happening when SMS is about to be sent?
About DNC lists in Slovenia, I've never heard that we have anything like that. And after a bit of research I didn't found any information indicating that it exist.
Sorry for the delay, I wanted to leave this thread open until I get back into our provider's account. There were some issues on Friday, so I couldn't log in until this morning.
There aren't any logs in Amelia itself, but there are logs on our provider's side, so I'll reach out to them with your account ID and have them check the issue.
The issue you encountered was caused due to changes on A2P termination for local and international traffic in Slovenian market and implementation of the filters that impacted the Mobile Network Operator. The issues have now been resolved.
Can you please test it again and let me know if it works?
For some time now Amelia SMS notifications are acting weird. Some time there are a lot of messages undelivered and for some reason and happening very frequently is the SMS for the first appointment (at 9AM) next day is not even sent, at least not seen in history. It worked normally in the past. Cron job is setup correctly. I have set the next day reminder to be sent at 8AM and the first appointment starts at 9AM.
Thanks for any recommendations and/or solution...
Hello Matej,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Cron is not Amelia's feature cron is a WordPress feature. You can use cron with Amelia, but setting cron is not part of Amelia's support because it is not our feature.
If your cron is not working and you cannot set it up, you need to contact your hosting provider so that they can set up the cron for you.
We will try to help you as best we can in the meantime cron is a Linux utility that schedules a command or script on your server to run automatically at a specified time and date. A cron job is the scheduled task itself. Cron jobs can be very useful to automate repetitive tasks like in our plugin for notifications.
Depending on the server, there are different configurations for it, which you can contact your hosting provider about, or you can check out one of the solutions for it on this link.
Also, you can try this:
*/15 * * * * wget -q -O - ""
Or this:
*/15 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php ~/public_html/wp-cron.php --action='wpamelia_api' --call='/notifications/scheduled/send'
Or this:
GET '' > /dev/null
WP Crontrol plugin is the best option if you're not familiar with cron jobs. You can find more info about it, and detailed instructions on how to set it up in our FAQ section.
So, if you already read that, and still need some clarification here's some further info.
You copy only the URL from below a scheduled notification:
Then, go to Tools/Cron Events, and click on the "Cron Schedules" tab. In it, add a 15-minute interval:
Then go back to the "Cron Events" tab and click on "Add new":
Below it, select the "PHP Cron event" radio button, and add the URL you copied from Amelia/Notifications in this form:
Below it add the name and set it to run a few minutes in the future, using the provided time format. So, if you're adding the cron event at 12:45 (local, current time), set it to run at 12:50; and then select the schedule you previously selected:
Click on Add Event, and that's it.
The cron runs every 15 minutes and checks if there's an email to be sent. So, in Amelia Notifications, your scheduled notifications are set to run every day at a certain time. If you set that time to be 15:00 (for example), the emails will be sent when the cron runs after that time.
For example, there's an appointment booked for tomorrow, and it's currently 14:44 - the cron runs, but since it's not yet 15:00, it doesn't send anything. It runs again after 15 minutes, so at 14:59, but there are still no emails flagged by Amelia, so it doesn't send anything. Then it runs again at 15:14 and it sees there's an email that should've been sent at 15:00, so it sends the email. It will only send emails when Amelia sees an appointment scheduled for the next day.
I hope that helps in case it doesn't please contact your hosting provider.
If you have any more questions please open another ticket and we will gladly help you there.
We wish you all the best.
Have a nice day.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Hey Marko,
As I've mentioned my cron job is set up correctly. There is some problem with Amelia or something is interfering with the whole SMS notification feature. Because a lot of messages have status 'undelivered' and some messages aren't even sent.
For example...Today I've sent at least 5 test messages to different phone numbers/operators, but none of the SMS came through.
Hello Matej,
Thank you for purchasing our product, and for reaching out to us.
The SMS often has a status queued but is actually sent. The status of the SMS is not refreshed automatically.
We can log in to your site to test notifications to see if they are sent if you wish. For this, we need remote admin access. As for status queued we will work on it in the future.
If you give us temporary admin credentials we can take a look at regular SMS notifications to see if they work and where is the issue. But if only cron notifications do not work for that you need to contact your hosting provider.
Please provide me a temporary WP-admin (administrator) user for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most efficient way to see and resolve the issue.
We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course, we do not provide login data to third parties.
You can write credentials here just check PRIVATE Reply so nobody can see them except us.
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Hello Matej,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We have tested your SMS notifications and we can see that they are working
If you have issue with scheduled notifications that are done via cron. For that, you need to contact your hosting provider so that they can set it up on your server.
Cron is not Amelia's feature cron is a WordPress feature. You can use cron with Amelia, but setting cron is not part of Amelia's support because it is not our feature.
If your cron is not working and you cannot set it up, you need to contact your hosting provider so that they can set up cron for you.
We will try to help you as best we can in the meantime cron is a Linux utility that schedules a command or script on your server to run automatically at a specified time and date. A cron job is the scheduled task itself. Cron jobs can be very useful to automate repetitive tasks like in our plugin for notifications.
Depending on the server, there are different configurations for it, which you can contact your hosting provider about, or you can check out one of the solutions for it on this link.
Also, you can try this:
*/15 * * * * wget -q -O - ""
Or this:
*/15 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php ~/public_html/wp-cron.php --action='wpamelia_api' --call='/notifications/scheduled/send'
Or this:
GET '' > /dev/null
WP Crontrol plugin is the best option if you're not familiar with cron jobs. You can find more info about it, and detailed instructions on how to set it up in our FAQ section.
So, if you already read that, and still need some clarification here's some further info.
You copy only the URL from below a scheduled notification:
Then, go to Tools/Cron Events, and click on the "Cron Schedules" tab. In it, add a 15-minute interval:
Then go back to the "Cron Events" tab and click on "Add new":
Below it, select the "PHP Cron event" radio button, and add the URL you copied from Amelia/Notifications in this form:
Below it add the name and set it to run a few minutes in the future, using the provided time format. So, if you're adding the cron event at 12:45 (local, current time), set it to run at 12:50; and then select the schedule you previously selected:
Click on Add Event, and that's it.
The cron runs every 15 minutes and checks if there's an email to be sent. So, in Amelia Notifications, your scheduled notifications are set to run every day at a certain time. If you set that time to be 15:00 (for example), the emails will be sent when the cron runs after that time.
For example, there's an appointment booked for tomorrow, and it's currently 14:44 - the cron runs, but since it's not yet 15:00, it doesn't send anything. It runs again after 15 minutes, so at 14:59, but there are still no emails flagged by Amelia, so it doesn't send anything. Then it runs again at 15:14 and it sees there's an email that should've been sent at 15:00, so it sends the email. It will only send emails when Amelia sees an appointment scheduled for the next day.
I hope that helps in case it doesn't please contact your hosting provider.
If you have any more questions please open another ticket and we will gladly help you there.
We wish you all the best.
Have a nice day.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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I think we are going nowhere with this support, and to be honest I'm getting a bit frustrated.
As I've mentioned before, no, there isn't any problem with my cron job. Because if the cron was not set up correctly the email notifications for 'appointment next day reminder' wouldn't get trough as well, but they do as they were supposed to.
The only problem are SMS notifications, scheduled or not. Even if I send myself a test notification by pressing the 'Sent Test SMS' button and put in my number (or any other number for that matter) I don't receive any SMS. Why is that? This test function is certainly not related to cron. And I've tested SMS notifications in the past and everything worked fine (these past tests are also seen in the screenshot below). Now in the past month or so for some reason it just stooped working. And there were no big changes on the website except the updates.
Is it possible that the SMS service stooped working in some counties or that the country code (for Slovenia) is not, correct? Who exactly is the service provider for SMS notifications, so I can reach out to them?
This is my cron job on cPanel:
This is a notification of cron job successful run:

This is the scheduled email that I got set via cron (mind the date and time):And here the SMS would supposed to show up but for some unknown reason it does not (mind that the SMS shown are from 2021, but none from this year):
There must be a reason or some explanation for this strange behavior, and I'm all out of ideas...that's why I reached out to you guys...because I don't think this is a hosting problem since cron works fine, emails are working fine, website is working as it should just the SMS are not! And the most annoying thing about SMS not working is that I get charged for every SMS which in the end customers don't even receive. Hope you get my frustration, and that you'll be able to get me any explanation beside "your cron is not working"...
Hello Matej,
We have forwarded your ticket to our level 2 agents and as soon as we get some feedback from them we will contact you immediately.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Hello Matej, sorry for the delay.
There aren't any limitations when it comes to Slovenia. The SMS provider doesn't support India, Saudi Arabia, and some other countries due to legal issues, but we have a lot of customers in EU, and a lot of customers in Slovenia - none of them had issues like this.
We're in Serbia, and I just tested the SMS feature on your site again. Just like Marko, I received the "TESTING..." SMS when I clicked on the "Send Test SMS". The 2nd row in the attached screenshot came after I booked an actual appointment (which was later deleted):
You can check the SMS History also - you'll see my number, and the "Delivered" status in there.
As you said, this has nothing to do with the CRON job, especially if you're not able to send yourself a TEST SMS.
Since this is working for us, and you're in Slovenia (a country that has no limitations imposed by Twilio), let's try some simple troubleshooting:
1. Deactivate Amelia, purge all cache, activate Amelia, and purge cache again. Then send yourself a test SMS.
2. Send a test SMS to a number you know hasn't received any messages from your site in the past.
3. Log out of your SMS profile in Amelia/Notifications/SMS Notifications and log back in. Then test again.
If all this fails, tell me - does Slovenia have any DNC (Do Not Contact) list? This would be a public/nation-wide list that would block all messages sent from automated services like Amelia. This is a long shot since (as far as I know) there are national DNC lists only in the USA, Australia, Canada, and UK.
Please let me know how it goes.
If that doesn't work, I have some relatives in Slovenia, so I can try sending an SMS from your site to them and see if it works. Maybe there is something related to Slovenia, but I sincerely doubt that (we'd have a lot more reports if this was the case).
Looking forward to your response!
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Hello, no problem.
So I did all the steps you've proposed. And I've done same things in the past (even before I contacted your support), I've also disabled the cache plugin but to no avail.
I tested everything my self again by using 'Send test SMS' as well as booking appointment. Nothing worked. I also asked my relatives to try it out as well by an booking appointment and logging into admin and sending them self a test SMS by 'Send test SMS' button. They are all living in different households using different phone operators (A1[Si.Mobil], Telekom[Mobitel] and Telemach), and nobody got any SMS notification.
The only difference I see in the SMS history is that all messages sent to our numbers have status 'Sent' and the message sent to your number has status 'Delivered'. But messages sent to real customers have status 'Undelivered'. Which is quite strange.
Are there any logs which could be looked up on my server or in WordPress, to see what is happening when SMS is about to be sent?
About DNC lists in Slovenia, I've never heard that we have anything like that. And after a bit of research I didn't found any information indicating that it exist.
Hey Matej.
Sorry for the delay, I wanted to leave this thread open until I get back into our provider's account. There were some issues on Friday, so I couldn't log in until this morning.
There aren't any logs in Amelia itself, but there are logs on our provider's side, so I'll reach out to them with your account ID and have them check the issue.
As soon as they respond, I'll get back to you.
Thank you for all the patience!
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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Hello Matej.
Here's the response we received:
The issue you encountered was caused due to changes on A2P termination for local and international traffic in Slovenian market and implementation of the filters that impacted the Mobile Network Operator. The issues have now been resolved.
Can you please test it again and let me know if it works?
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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