  Public Ticket #3082717
Makes location and/or employee required to complete the booking


  •  2
    Juan started the conversation


    I have a reservation/booking system. Services is the only field requiered and I want that at least 1 of the other two (Location and/or Employee) will be also required. 

    It is needed only for Services because in packages it will be selected later above calendar.


  •  1,878
    Miloš replied

    Hi, Juan 

    Thanks for reaching out to us

    Can you please try this?

    In Amelia customise , if you use the New Form, you will find these options, and you can choose what will be mandatory :


    Let me know if that solves the issue? Thank you

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  •  2
    Juan replied


    Ii works great for Services, but what about Packages? If someone pick the mandatory files (service and location) but during the booking process finally pick a package, the info about location its not save for the Package. Its problematic because if the customer do not set again the location in package Appointment step; automaticly he will get his Package appointment to the default location/employee.

    To solve this issue, I can see 2 potential solution:

    1) The mandatory location of the service will be reminded and push into the Package apointment step. 

    2) Make mandatory the location field in the Package apointment step.

    Is any of this options available?



  •  1,878
    Miloš replied

    Hi, Juan 

    Sorry for all the waiting time.

    - I believe i can understand now, sorry i didn't realise right away what you need. It is different behaviour for Packages, you are correct.

    I am still doing tests to determine if one of the solutions that you need is possible. So far i am not able to get a working solution to achieve this for Packages.

    I am not 100% sure if we have a workaround at this time, but i will get some help from senior colleagues at our 2nd level.

    As soon as they respond, i will advise you with further information.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  •  1,878
    Miloš replied

    Hi, Juan 

    I got advice on this.

    I am truly sorry to disappoint you, but with current Amelia's logic,   we are not able to provide any kind of a solution to achieve what you need.

    At this time, we don't have a way to somehow "save" the selection of a customer from a Service > and then pass it as pre-selected  for Packages;

    And we also don't have a way to make a Location mandatory choice for the Package;

    at this time customers have to choose for every Package booking, "from the start", which employee they wish, and which Location.

    We will do our best to come up with some solution in the future, though.

    Please feel free to search through our feature suggestion page

     to see if someone may be already suggested this feature. If you can't see it, feel free to add your suggestion there, and as more people vote, the feature will move higher on the priority list.

    You can certainly follow our changeLog page if you'd like, where we state any changes/new features/bug fixes during updates;

    and our newsletter, so you're informed about new features, bug fixes, freebies, etc.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  •  6
    Sandor Nemeth replied

    Hello Milos,

    About this issue, I am trying to pre select the employee, before the form.

    I would have thought, that this will work:

    [ameliastepbooking employee=1]

    Would this work with packages as well?

    On my test site the first form is using the above shorcode.


    The secound form on the site is just a plain [ameliastepbooking] shortcode.

    For me, the first form does not work for packages. It gets stuck at the actual calender appointment selection step.

    Is this a bug?



  •  1,878
    Miloš replied

    Hi, Sandor

    Yes, the [ameliastepbooking employee=1]  should be working, absolutely.

    - But i didn't try that with Packages yet.

    This is quite interesting, to be honest.

    At first it seemed to me it's not gonna work, but after another try, i am able to present Packages only from a specific employee.

    if i add the employee to the shortcode, like this :

    [ameliastepbooking show=packages employee=3]


    What i did is a little test.  I made a new Package that is only provided by some other employee > and this one comes up along with other Packages, if i just use the standard Package Step shortcode ( this Boat Trip Package) :

    [ameliastepbooking show=packages]


    But now if i add the employee in the mix, with shortcode [ameliastepbooking show=packages employee=3]

    then it only loads the Packages that this employee provides > 

    and it also forces the customer to only select this employee, even though there are other providers for that Package Services.

    For example, if i choose this  "Test Package" ( with Yoga  Test Service), with the employee in the shortcode,   customer doesn't have a choice for other employees :


    But if i return to the regular "Package with all employees" shortcode;

    then i got all the available employees :



    As for your related page, https://wordpress-683164-2837135.cloudwaysapps.com/booking-page/  

    i am able to see them both > and they load the available time slots for me :



    Can you double-check, and show me how the shortcodes look for this page?

    - And if you can check, if you're using the correct employee ID, of course?

    Thank you

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  •  6
    Sandor Nemeth replied

    Thank you so much for the effort and support!

    I am going a little bit crazy on this one : )

    I tested now several times on different test sites. I see that it is working because I managed to use it in our staging site of a live site.

    But, on this plain new install: https://wordpress-683164-2837135.cloudwaysapps.com/booking-page/

    It just doesn't work for me with the [ameliastepbooking employee=1] employee preselection. It gets stuck at the time slot selection step. Goes to a blank step, there is no way going forward / backward.

    We are setting up a new site, and we are planning to use the above shortcode (w/ employee=1) in combination with [service=## show=packages] on the pricing page. I tested these shorcodes on our staging site, it works as you are also saying. Which is great.

    But, now on this plain new install, for me, it gets stuck. Always. Cache emptied, triedn on different device. I am sure I am missing something, but can not figure out what.

    I attached a screen record to show what I am seeing. (video 2-3 days old, shortcode might show different packages now but concept is the same:
    First shortcode is with [ameliastepbooking employee=1]
    2nd: [ameliastepbooking] 

    The big remaining question will be, after I figure out why it gets stuck on this site, is that when customer books their first appointment within a package with the [ameliastepbooking employee=1]  shortcode, and then later, they are booking remaining slots, are they still forced on the initially set emloyee or not?? I hope so.

    This shorcode will give us the control we need. We will create a custom pricing page where they can preselect the service and employee. But for this, this has to work. Seems like it will work.

    Thank you very much.
    If you want I can create a separate ticket and copy this content.

    Kind Regards


  •  1,878
    Miloš replied

    Hi, Sandor

    You're welcome, i am happy to help.

    No problem at allbigsmile.png It is quite interesting for me personally, to be honest - 

    since i didn't try this with the New Step Form, and it didn't occur to me that something like this might actually be sort of a workaround, for what we discussed before, to "force customer to stick with one employee" in a Package/service.


    What i can confirm is that,  this is absolutely the current Amelia logic as you need for Packages, 

     if a customer picks an employee for the first appointment of a Package > Then Amelia will lock this employee's ID in the system  - so there is no way for a customer to come back later, and pick any other employee for the remaining appointments of that Package.smile.png


    If the initial appointment selection is "Any employee" > then the rest of the appointments  in the Package will be "customer can choose anyone";

    but if that first initial booking ( for one or more appointments) during the Package Purchase selects an employee > then for the remaining appointments it will stay locked on the same employee.smile.png


    So, if we preselect the employee by adding employee=1 to the shortcode > you will achieve your goal - and the customer won't be able to pick anyone else anyway.


    But, just for the more effective focus, and since we are kind of on the same subject as for the other ticket ( where the employee=1 shortcode has the error for those couple employees on specific Test site);

     i suggest that we "merge all the information" from here to the other ticket, and to proceed everything we discussed here on that one, as well - https://tmsplugins.ticksy.com/ticket/3113050/,

    if you agree - of course.smile.png

    Thank you

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  •  6
    Sandor Nemeth replied

    Hello Miloš,

    Yes, that makes sense, I'll post my updates on that other ticket from now on regarding this topic.



  •  1,878
    Miloš replied

    Hi, Sandor 

    Sorry for this delayed response.smile.png

    Thank you for understanding, agreed.

    We will temporarily close this ticket - but of course, you can always come back to what we covered on it -

    or you can simply open a new one.

    Thank you very much.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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