  Public Ticket #3065325
Maximum Employees


  • Kate Mckee started the conversation


    Could you please tell us what is the maximum number of employees Amelia can support without impacting the site speed?

    We currently have 36 employees and are experiencing very slow loading for some packages. For example here: https://techsparkacademy.ch/code-in-python-online-tutoring-4-lessons/

    We love the plugin as it provides us with all the features we need. We did not anticipate scalability issues. We are hoping to add up to 100 employees in the coming months. Is this feasible?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Kate Mckee replied

    Dear Amelia team,

    Please can someone advise us regarding this open ticket? 

    We need to know what is the maximum number of employees the plugin can support without causing booking form loading issues?

    Your documentation states that it can support "large number of employees". We currently have 36 employees, which is by no means "a large number" and we already have issues with loading speed. At times the booking form does not load at all and the page must be refreshed 2 or 3 times before it loads. The rest of the time loading time is several minutes, which is way too long.

    We are holding off on adding more employees until we can be sure this issue can be resolved.

    Please kindly advise us how we can fix this issue.

    Thank you in advance.

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Kate.

    This is not a computer software that depends on a PC configuration, but instead a WordPress plugin that depends on quite a lot of factors. The most important ones are your server's configuration and the amount of memory associated with your website/server.

    Other than that, the amount of data on the site comes into play, the number of visitors, the timeout limits on your server, etc. There's no "Maximum number of employees the plugin can support" because if you're on shared hosting, the maximum number for you could be 20, but if you're on a premium hosting plan, that number could be 5.000 - it's not an exact number but varies extremely depending on the environment.

    Amelia has been used for Covid-19 vaccination booking, which included over 1.000 appointments per day with a database that included over 30.000 customers and it was never reported that it's slow as you say it is on your website.

    We can recommend checking out the new Step-By-Step booking form, as it is faster than the old form but since you're using the Catalog form, I don't know if you'd like to move away from that.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  • Kate Mckee replied


    Can you please tell us what are the server requirements to manage 100 employees with no sensible delays.

    Thank you

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello again Kate

    As mentioned before - we can't say what the requirements are since there are a lot of other factors that impact this.

    A server with 256 MB of PHP memory, 16GB of RAM and a strong processor may be a good solution for someone, but we can't guarantee that it will be good for everyone. Some people have tens of thousands of visitors each day, others have ten visitors each day. Some have 1 GB of content loaded on the page, others have 1 MB.

    You should use the best possible configuration affordable. I can recommend starting with what's mentioned above - 256 MB of memory (at least), 16GB of RAM. Also, increasing the timeout could prove to be beneficial.

    Reach out to your hosting provider, and ask them what the best solution for your site would be. They should have an insight into how you want the site to look like and what resources it will use.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •   Kate Mckee replied privately
  • Kate Mckee replied

    Hello Alexandra,

    Please can you assist us in fixing the below issues. These problems occur with both the old booking form and the new booking form.

    Problem 1: Availability

    (NOTE: we do not want the client to select an employee)

    1. the client selects their desired lesson date/time -> employee is assigned based on first lesson

    Eg. June 24th at 9AM (Assigned employee 'Kate Test')

    2. client selects recurring booking

    Eg. repeat 3 times

    3. changes time of the recurring booking -> when changing the time/date of recurring booking, they are currently able to select times when their assigned instructor(employee) is not available

    Eg. Charge June 25th lesson to 6PM

    (But 'Kate Test' is only available 9AM - 2PM)

    4. proceeds to book those lessons despite the employee not being available

    How can we force the recurring bookings to only show the calendar of their assigned instructor(employee)?

    Problem 2: Notifications

    We are also experiencing an issue when multiple employees are assigned to services in a package. For example:

    A client books a package of 12 lessons. According to employee availability, the booking is made as follows:

    Lesson 1-4 are with employee 1 

    Lessons 5-9 with employee 2

    Lessons 10-12 with employee 3

    Right now, all 3 employees are notified that they are booked for all 12 lesson dates, instead of just the dates when they are booked.

    Problem 3: Zoom & iCal integration

    iCal and Zoom link sent to the Employee is not the host link but the participant link, so they are not able to start the lessons

    Please kindly advise how to fix these errors.

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Kate

    1. There's no way you can force Amelia to do this. The availability of all employees is loaded if you hide the employee selection drop down. This means that if Employee 1 works from 09:00 - 12:00, and Employee 2 works from 12:00 - 15:00, all time slots will be shown. So, even though a customer is assigned to Employee 1 when they start the booking procedure, they can still select the 2nd employee (not knowing they're selecting the 2nd employee) by changing the time slots of recurring appointments.

    The only way you can force the customer to stick with Employee 1 would be if you prefilter the form so only this employee is loaded. For example [ameliastepbooking employee=1]

    2. The same notification is sent to each employee that was assigned to an appointment, so you would need to modify the "Package Purchased" email notification, and in it - the %package_appointments_details% placeholder. For example: 


    3. Amelia doesn't have an integration with iCal - that can only be used by the customers in the last step of the booking procedure. To include Zoom links for employees, you need to use %zoom_host_url% placeholder in the email templates that are sent to your employees. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  • Kate Mckee replied

    Thank you Aleksandar,

    We have managed to address some of these issues by editing the notifications as per your suggestion.

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    You're welcome, Kate, glad I could help.

    Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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