  Public Ticket #2996422
custom CSS does not work in front of the site


  • galin started the conversation


    When I make changes with custom css, they do not appear on the front of the site. In the settings in the panel the changes are visible, but do not appear on the site.

    This is a problem. What I did not try, but Master detail custom CSS does not make changes to the site. I turned it off, deleted it, reinstalled the Master-detail plugin ... but it didn't help.

    By the way, I don't know if this is the reason, but I have a problem with the activation of the plugin. Due to nonsense, I changed the "domain name" to localhost and now I can't get it back. However, the plugin works, but does not work well.


  • galin replied

    this is how buttons and popup should look like in front page

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hey Galin.

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I can't replicate the issue on your site (or I don't understand what the issue is):


    It looks just like the screenshot you shared with us in your last comment.

    Could you please explain to me what the issue is if it's still there?

    I deactivated the purchase code on your localhost, so you should be able to activate it now.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  • galin replied

    The screenshot I sent was from the WP panel, where the tables are created, everything worked there, the problem was that the table did not look like that on the site. The button was missing, the popup window was not displayed. Maybe the problem was fixed when you deactivated / changed the domain in my account.
    Now it works and the popup window is visible because I changed this class:
    .wpdt-c .modal.fade {
        opacity: 1! important;
        background: rgba (0,0,0, .6);
    By default it was - opacity: 0;

    I don't know if it's the right thing to do, but it was a way to make the popup window visible. But I noticed that the popup close button doesn't work and the Popup window opens without its animation.
    If you know another way to make a popup window visible without changing this .class ".wpdt-c .modal.fade", please tell me ...



  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello again Galin.

    Activating/deactivating the account doesn't affect the functionality of the plugin in any way, so that's not it.

    Issues like this usually occur when there is a conflict either with the theme currently active on your website, or another plugin you have installed.

    Can you please change the theme and see if the issue is resolved? If not, then please deactivate all other plugins except for our plugin, refresh the page where the issue is, and see if it is resolved (it should be). If it is, then start activating other plugins one by one, and after each activation refresh the page to see if the issue reoccurred. Once it does reoccur, you will have found the plugin causing the issue.

    As for the X button - when I try to click on it fast 3 - 4 times, I get this:


    Your site is protected from right-click/Inspect, and possibly something else, so this is why the button doesn't work.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  • galin replied

    hello again after a long time, 

    thanks for the reply

    Until now the modal page worked like this -  the modal closes when you click outside the modal, but that's not a permanently solution.

    I did as you recommended - I disabled all other plugins except wptables plugins, I refreshed the page where the problem is, but the problem remains.

    Since it doesn't work, I temporarily made the close button white, but on hover it is visible.

    Yes, there is WP Content Copy Protection, but the problem is not in the plugin, because when it is disabled, the close button does not work again.
    I can't change the theme because I'm working with a child theme.

    I haven't solved this problem yet



    In addition, this is off topic but may matter, the Master-Detail Tables plugin is not updating. The message is "Update failed: No plugin specified."

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello again Galin.

    I'm sorry if I don't understand (again), but when I visit your page and click on a row in a table, a modal pops up with the image:


    As you said - the X is white, and barely visible until hovered over. But, when I hover over it and click it - the modal closes.

    This is, if I understood correctly, a custom workaround, right?

    Can you record your screen with the issue without applying any workarounds, so I can see what's going on? Also, would you be able to provide us with a staging site, along with WP-admin (Administrator) user, FTP, and the database, so our developers can debug the plugin, and see what's going on?

    If you're not able to provide us with a staging site, can you clone your website?

    If yes - I'll ask you to install the Duplicator plugin. It will generate a couple of files that you can send me (along with the log-in credentials), and then I can create an exact copy of your website, see what the issue is and try to resolve it.

    The Duplicator plugin can export only up to 500MB of data, so if your site is bigger than that, please use the All-in-One WP Migration plugin.

    Please note that the files will be too large to attach to the ticket, so you can upload them via wetransfer.com and just send me the link.

    This is a public ticket, so if you're sending me login credentials or a duplicated site, make sure to enable the PRIVATE response.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  • galin replied

    hello Alexander,
    it turns out that on other computers the close button on the popup window works, but on my computer it doesn't. That's pretty weird. On the other hand, it's good that it works.

    As I said before there is some problem specifically with the Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables plugin. Now the plugin does not update. This message <Update failed: No plugin specified.> is displayed.

    What do you think - maybe I'll try deactivating and deleting Detail Tables for wpDataTables, then re-installing and re-activating it. And if this solves the problems, it will be very good.

    If the problems still remain then I will think about how to give you access to the WP config.
    I have to offer such an option: I can make a temporary subdomain and put a site installation there, but there your pro-version plugins will not work, and the WP Rocket PRO that I work with and that I have installed will not work, if that matters.

  • Jay replied

    Aleksandar I really want you to step in Uroš has just wasted more than a week and has not able to resolve my issue it has been just dragging it by just either not responding or responding mostly once a day leaving the matter unresolved.

    Also my Private and Public Tickets are getting blanked I can see you guys have responded to multiple tickets submitted after me I need Aleksandar to step into my issue TODAY AND GET THIS RESOLVED.

    I am not happy about this as my client has been chasing me due to this.

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Jay.

    I'm sorry to see you're unsatisfied with the provided support, but please don't hijack other people's public tickets. This ticket is not even related to Amelia; you can imagine how Galin was confused seeing this response from you. In short - I checked Uros's ticket, and there really is nothing more we can do about your inquiries - you're asking Amelia to change its logic for your clients. Unfortunately, Amelia is just a WordPress plugin used by tens of thousands of people. It's unrealistic to assume it will suit everybody's needs. There are limitations Uros mentioned, and the plugin simply cannot be modified (at this time) to fit your use case. If your client doesn't like the Events design, but its functionalities suit their needs, they'll have to choose whether they'll go for functionality or design. At this time, they can't have both. I've seen Uros forward the suggestions you provided to our management and development teams, but we do not modify the plugin's code based on a few use cases and custom requests. Uros is fully capable of providing assistance with Amelia, as long as it follows the plugin's code and logic. Custom work is not included in the provided support, and we cannot provide it. 

    In regards to ticket responses - our agents respond to around 100 tickets every day, so they're not prioritizing anyone. When your ticket is on the top of the queue, they'll respond. If they are responding to other, younger tickets, it probably means they asked for someone else's opinion on the subject.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Galin, I'll respond to you in another comment, sorry about this.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Galin, once again sorry for the digression with the other customer in the previous comment. We respond to every comment, so there are no misassumptions that we ignore our customers or their issues.

    Anyway, please try to deactivate Master-Detail, download it from our store, and install it again. If that fails, you can send me the URL to your staging site and administrator credentials, and I'll gladly check it out. Also, providing me with FTP and database access credentials for that staging site would be helpful in case there's a bug regarding the update function.

    Just make sure to post the credentials in a PRIVATE response, so they're hidden from other users.

    If the add-on installs normally, then we'll need to wait for an update and see if you can update it then. If not, then before manually installing the updated version, we'll go with the staging site, FTP, and database, to see what's going on.

    As for the close button - that's weird. Does it fail on all browsers, in incognito as well as when you're logged in? Do you have any browser extensions? 

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  • galin replied

    hello Aleksandar,

    I solved the problem without reinstalling the plugin.
    CHROME, OPERA, MOZILLA - it seems that something is broken with all the browsers I work with. Why and how, I didn't understand. Whatever. That's why the plugin's animated popup and close button don't work.
    I did a sample. I installed 2 new random browsers BREVE and VIVALDI. And here the plugin works.

    The bottom line is - I have to reinstall all my old browsers if I want to use them to work with the WP site.
    So the worry so far has been unnecessary.

    best regards

  • galin replied

    ..... in addition to the previous post, I found that when the <Cache browsing data> of the browser is deleted then the wpDataTables popup does not work correctly (the script that moves the window and the close button do not work).
    I don't know if other users are having this problem or if it's just mine.

    The other problem - the Master-Detail Tables plugin still can't be updated...I'll try to fix the problem with a reinstall later.

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hey Galin, thanks for testing this.

    I haven't heard about similar issues in the past, but, to be honest, there aren't a lot of users that reached out to us about images in a lightbox - our customers usually ask if we support it and that's it.

    We can't replicate this behavior locally, so it's difficult to troubleshoot this and get to the bottom of the issue.

    I use Brave mostly - it's chromium based so it's basically Chrome, but works a bit better (as far as I'm concerned). 

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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