Now I would like to have a function, where I can see more information after clicking on an arrow icon for example. You can see my expectation of the table in the attached mockup.
I would like to collapse and extend the information with a click on the icon.
The second question is about including images (company logos) in one column. You can see it on the column after the pricing. "Kaufen bei" "Buy at". Here I would like place three different company logos of our distribution partner. Is this possible?
Firstly, I would like to sincerely apologize for the delayed response as we have been experiencing an unusually high number of tickets. I am sorry that it has taken longer than usual to respond to your concern and your patience is highly appreciated.
1.There might be couple of different solutions, to hide some columns, and only show them when clicked on a symbol. We don't have an arrow built-in as shown on your screenshot, but we do have a plus sign, if that would do the trick for you. I will give you an example.
This is usually used only for mobile screens, but we can tell the plugin to always behave like this, by increasing the minimum resolution when to "activate responsive behaviour", if that makes sense.
A typical responsive layout with our built-in setup can be, for example, like on this screenshot, one or more ( in my example two columns, but I guess for your scenario you will set five to initially show) fully visible, and the rest of the columns, "hidden",
then there is an " + " button, to open a certain row, and show all the details.
- But, if you need this behaviour on all screens, even large desktops, here is what to do;
on the main plugin settings screen, increase the tablet width resolution to, let's say 2000 pixels, and you will have this on all screens.
; here is how a dummy table looks with 5 columns shown, and the rest hidden, with all of this set up:
Please check out this Documentation section about Responsive features -
- There is an alternate solution, that might look much better, depending on what you need, we have an add-on "Master-Detail", where you can hide a lot of columns, and choose to have, a pop-up modal appear to show all the details, or have a "show more details" button, to open details on a new page.
- Or, if I didn't understand correctly what you need, please tell me more details and I will do my best to advise.
2. If I am seeing on the screenshot correctly, seems you need images together with text in a cell ?
; I can see that this is a Manual table type.
- For this table type, here is how to do it:
You can set the editor input type on the column settings to "HTML editor", like this :
Then, you can place image with text in same cell, by using HTML edit functionality, here is an example;
If you use HTML editor, make sure to select this "Source code", and then you will type HTML there:
Then, create an image HTML tag, with the proper path to the image/icon/logo that you need; in my case, I just uploaded a simple image in the WP library and typed that path, and after the image tag, I put some text.
- When I refreshed it, it automatically wrapped everything in a paragraph tag, as you can see; but you can just use <img> tag, and input text where you need it; experiment with HTML code as you need.
- If this was not what you intended to achieve, apologies, please write more details to clarify and we will assist further.
Thank you for your reply. I've tried the responsive function. Is it possible to move the "plus" row to the end of the table? I think after that it will work.
2. I tried again the HTML code. After clicking on "safe" nothing will display me in the back- or frontend. I didn't now why.
3. Is it possible to change the custom fonts to a font I've uploaded to Wordpress. I've tried it via CSS but I can't overwrite your settings. Do you have a workaround for me?
I've made process with 2. Now I can see the Logo in the backend. But on the frontend I only see placeholder. Do you know why this not render correctly?
- Sorry for the late response; we had a national holiday and it slowed down the pace of our work.
There is an error in the console for the images, a server error, as the server can not find that path provided...
but if you see the image, on the back-end of the plugin, just not on the front page :
- wpDataTables is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) concept-based plugin. This means that the table must look the same both in the back-end and in the front-end. If your front-end table looks and behaves differently than in the back-end, this usually implies that there is another plugin (or the current theme) that's changing the behaviour of our plugin. ( in this case not properly showing those images on the front)
Can you please change the theme and see if the issue is resolved? If not, then please deactivate all other plugins except for our plugin, refresh the page where the issue is, and see if it is resolved (it should be). If it is, then start activating other plugins one by one, and after each activation refresh the page to see if the issue reoccurred. Once it does reoccur, you will have found the plugin causing the issue.
- If you still tried all of that, but is still the same, you could send me temporary WP- Admin credentials, and FTP credentials, so we can take a closer look at everything? If you do that, make sure to set the response as PRIVATE, so that only we can see it.
- Regarding moving the plus/responsive expander sign from left to right on the row, I tried with some conditional formatting, to somehow set a condition that the first column hides it, and the last column to get the little "expander +" sign, but the HTML span element is set to be on the first column, through the core of the plugin, so, that can maybe be done with a high level of custom work, and that is beyond the limit of what our support can cover.
We can recommend reaching out to WP Kraken, as someone who does custom work, but can't advise on their price.
As more customers request a feature, it gets pushed quicker on the list. We always strive to make our product better and deliver the most value to our end users, so we carefully review each suggestion.
I really want to help you resolve this in time for your project. Let's see how fast we can work on this.
I will additionally work through the weekend, we will do the best we can.
1. I will have to take a look at your WP-Admin, if that's OK, to try and isolate the issue with the entries.
2. Same goes for hidden columns, we will take a closer look at the table setup.
3. - Could you send me the 3 icons/images, just so I have them here, as well, and I can try to position them as you need? We will also make a local dummy table, to try and replicate everything.
- I am just not sure if I understand, when you say you need them "next to each other, and not among each other" Maybe you mean, on the same line, and not each image on new line, right?
4. For filter by data, on this page here, scroll and find the section that has "number range filter" explained.
- Seems to be you achieved a number range filter on the Megapixel column, it is working for rounded numbers, but I will see why it's not working with decimals.
- Please provide me a temporary WP-admin (administrator) user for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most efficient way to see and resolve the issue.
We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course, we do not provide login data to third parties.
You can write credentials here just check PRIVATE Reply so nobody can see them except us.
Basically, you have set a predefined value for a filter, in the column auflsungpx, then you hidden the filter and the column, so I didn't see it right away.
Once we removed that predefined filter value, it's OK.
- Gonna keep you posted if we resolve the POST error 404 for the images on that particular page.
First of all. Thanks for the solutions and the quick responses.
1. Table not showing information
Great. That was my mistake. In the future I will be more careful with the filter settings.
2. Columns are not hidden mobile
OK, great that this works. But is it possible to hide/disbale the „+“ icon with the popup. Because I want that the client see only 3 columns and „more details“. The information which shown with the click on + are all in the „more details“ modal.
3. Images are not displayed in the frontend Nice, we are getting closer and closer to the final solution. Now we see one image in the frontend. 😊
I tried your solution with putting the code to the same line:
But after including more than one image. The plugin shows me an error. See attached. Translation:
Error! An error occurred while updating the line! Error: WordPress database error: Failed to process the value for the following field: buy by. The gelled value might be too long or contain invalid data.
4. Filter by Data Range
Thanks for changing the column type. But I don't quite understand where to put the pixel ranges.
I have uploaded you a mockup of my performance. Is such a configuration possible?
Thank you very much. I think we will get a great result soon.
No, that is no problem at all, just sorry for our delayed responses. We are doing the best we can to assist as much as we can.
- Here is what we got :
2. Yes, you can do that by disabling the Responsive feature on the Display settings ( I just disabled it for you), and just press the "eye" icon on the column setup to hide the columns you need only in the modal;
then no icons will be "expandable with the +", you can just hide them in the "more details Modal"
3. The database has set this as VARCHAR which has a limit for characters of 255, because we set it as "one line string". You can delete, and remake a column again, but select "multi line string". This will make the column in database as TEXT, which has a lot more characters available, it will eliminate this error. Then it should work.
I am just double-checking, if you do that, are the images again going to be one under the other... That's not the goal.
4. I am checking with the developers, to be honest, those selections for the number range filter, if it can be made without a high level of custom work.
I will get back to you as soon as I have more information.
2. I think we found here the best solution. Great!
3. Yes I have tried to made it with your solution. But you are right. Now we have the problem that the icons are not in the same line. Could be great if we find here a solution.
4. Ok lets wait for the developers.
5. One little thing: On tablet the filter settings looks little bit wild. Is there any change to set up the responsive design for that container?
3. I think we are getting very close to getting the images right - I created a new test page on your WordPress, a private page, and it looks perfect... But on your main/live page, which you built with Elementor, I am still not there yet, can't get the images to properly show while being inline using HTML editor.
This is the test page:
I will work some more on the images, sorry that it is taking so long. Hopefully, we can figure it out tomorrow.
We will keep you posted on the progress.
4. Sorry to disappoint, but we are not able to come up with a solution to make the number range as you need it here, without a high level of custom work, sadly.
You can set up a slider, or an input of a choice for the range, as you probably saw on the Documentation, but that's about it using the built-in functionalities.
5. I added some custom CSS, check out how it looks on tablet resolution.
You can experiment with the styles, it looks better from my end, I added this:
I've implemented the code to the php. The icons will display in the same line. But now I have again the problem, that the images will not display in the frontend. On your test table everything looks great. You you know why?
- I am trying to modify your table, was just about to save some changes; and I can't access the site anymore. "
This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
- Can you access it from your end?
See if you can try this: Don't use the HTML editor, instead try the multi-line string editor type, and make sure to input the full URL of the image, the editor has again cut it short in the code of the cell.
- If that doesn't work, create a new column, set it as a multi-line string right away, so that it gets saved as "TEXT" in the database correctly... And set Editor Type to multi-line string, then it should definitely work.
4. Sorry to disappoint, but we are not able to come up with a solution to make the number range as you need it here, without a high level of custom work, sadly.
You can set up a slider, or an input of a choice for the range, as you probably saw on the Documentation, but that's about it using the built-in functionalities."
What do you think will a high level customization cost?
Take a look at what I did in the second row, and apply the same format. It should definitely work now. Let me know if it's good now.
- Oh, and forgot to say, an important detail, previously I was experimenting on the Display tab, with Responsive feature, and "limit table width to page width", and "wrap words to newlines", that also had a negative effect to the goal, but now I disabled all of that. Let me know if you need anything else for this design. Thanks
I am delighted to hear that this has been resolved. Thank you for letting us know. Anything else that we could assist with, don't hesitate to create new tickets.
I have two questions.
I included your Table successful in my webpage:
Now I would like to have a function, where I can see more information after clicking on an arrow icon for example. You can see my expectation of the table in the attached mockup.
I would like to collapse and extend the information with a click on the icon.
The second question is about including images (company logos) in one column. You can see it on the column after the pricing. "Kaufen bei" "Buy at". Here I would like place three different company logos of our distribution partner. Is this possible?
Thank you for your answers in advance!
Best regards,
Hi, Wilhelm
Firstly, I would like to sincerely apologize for the delayed response as we have been experiencing an unusually high number of tickets. I am sorry that it has taken longer than usual to respond to your concern and your patience is highly appreciated.
1.There might be couple of different solutions, to hide some columns, and only show them when clicked on a symbol. We don't have an arrow built-in as shown on your screenshot, but we do have a plus sign, if that would do the trick for you. I will give you an example.
This is usually used only for mobile screens, but we can tell the plugin to always behave like this, by increasing the minimum resolution when to "activate responsive behaviour", if that makes sense.
A typical responsive layout with our built-in setup can be, for example, like on this screenshot, one or more ( in my example two columns, but I guess for your scenario you will set five to initially show) fully visible, and the rest of the columns, "hidden",
then there is an " + " button, to open a certain row, and show all the details.
- But, if you need this behaviour on all screens, even large desktops, here is what to do;
on the main plugin settings screen, increase the tablet width resolution to, let's say 2000 pixels, and you will have this on all screens.
; here is how a dummy table looks with 5 columns shown, and the rest hidden, with all of this set up:
Please check out this Documentation section about Responsive features -
- There is an alternate solution, that might look much better, depending on what you need, we have an add-on "Master-Detail", where you can hide a lot of columns, and choose to have, a pop-up modal appear to show all the details, or have a "show more details" button, to open details on a new page.
You can check that out here -
- Or, if I didn't understand correctly what you need, please tell me more details and I will do my best to advise.
2. If I am seeing on the screenshot correctly, seems you need images together with text in a cell ?
; I can see that this is a Manual table type.
- For this table type, here is how to do it:
You can set the editor input type on the column settings to "HTML editor", like this :
Then, you can place image with text in same cell, by using HTML edit functionality, here is an example;
If you use HTML editor, make sure to select this "Source code", and then you will type HTML there:
Then, create an image HTML tag, with the proper path to the image/icon/logo that you need; in my case, I just uploaded a simple image in the WP library and typed that path, and after the image tag, I put some text.
- When I refreshed it, it automatically wrapped everything in a paragraph tag, as you can see; but you can just use <img> tag, and input text where you need it; experiment with HTML code as you need.
- If this was not what you intended to achieve, apologies, please write more details to clarify and we will assist further.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Thank you for your reply. I've tried the responsive function. Is it possible to move the "plus" row to the end of the table? I think after that it will work.
2. I tried again the HTML code. After clicking on "safe" nothing will display me in the back- or frontend. I didn't now why.
3. Is it possible to change the custom fonts to a font I've uploaded to Wordpress. I've tried it via CSS but I can't overwrite your settings. Do you have a workaround for me?
Thank you!
I found a solution for 3. The custom fonts.
I've made process with 2. Now I can see the Logo in the backend. But on the frontend I only see placeholder. Do you know why this not render correctly?
Hi, Wilhelm
- Sorry for the late response; we had a national holiday and it slowed down the pace of our work.
There is an error in the console for the images, a server error, as the server can not find that path provided...
but if you see the image, on the back-end of the plugin, just not on the front page :
- wpDataTables is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) concept-based plugin. This means that the table must look the same both in the back-end and in the front-end. If your front-end table looks and behaves differently than in the back-end, this usually implies that there is another plugin (or the current theme) that's changing the behaviour of our plugin. ( in this case not properly showing those images on the front)
Can you please change the theme and see if the issue is resolved? If not, then please deactivate all other plugins except for our plugin, refresh the page where the issue is, and see if it is resolved (it should be). If it is, then start activating other plugins one by one, and after each activation refresh the page to see if the issue reoccurred. Once it does reoccur, you will have found the plugin causing the issue.
- If you still tried all of that, but is still the same, you could send me temporary WP- Admin credentials, and FTP credentials, so we can take a closer look at everything? If you do that, make sure to set the response as PRIVATE, so that only we can see it.
- Regarding moving the plus/responsive expander sign from left to right on the row, I tried with some conditional formatting, to somehow set a condition that the first column hides it, and the last column to get the little "expander +" sign, but the HTML span element is set to be on the first column, through the core of the plugin, so, that can maybe be done with a high level of custom work, and that is beyond the limit of what our support can cover.
We can recommend reaching out to WP Kraken, as someone who does custom work, but can't advise on their price.
You can also make a request for this to be added as a built-in feature on this link and our developers would place it on their "TO-DO" list.
As more customers request a feature, it gets pushed quicker on the list. We always strive to make our product better and deliver the most value to our end users, so we carefully review each suggestion.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hello, do you have an update for me? I have to finish that until Monday.
Thank you in advance! :)
Hi, Wilhelm
I really want to help you resolve this in time for your project. Let's see how fast we can work on this.
I will additionally work through the weekend, we will do the best we can.
1. I will have to take a look at your WP-Admin, if that's OK, to try and isolate the issue with the entries.
2. Same goes for hidden columns, we will take a closer look at the table setup.
3. - Could you send me the 3 icons/images, just so I have them here, as well, and I can try to position them as you need? We will also make a local dummy table, to try and replicate everything.
- I am just not sure if I understand, when you say you need them "next to each other, and not among each other" Maybe you mean, on the same line, and not each image on new line, right?
4. For filter by data, on this page here, scroll and find the section that has "number range filter" explained.
- Seems to be you achieved a number range filter on the Megapixel column, it is working for rounded numbers, but I will see why it's not working with decimals.
- Please provide me a temporary WP-admin (administrator) user for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most efficient way to see and resolve the issue.
We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course, we do not provide login data to third parties.
You can write credentials here just check PRIVATE Reply so nobody can see them except us.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Hey, Wilhelm.
We resolved the prefilter issue.
Basically, you have set a predefined value for a filter, in the column auflsungpx, then you hidden the filter and the column, so I didn't see it right away.
Once we removed that predefined filter value, it's OK.
- Gonna keep you posted if we resolve the POST error 404 for the images on that particular page.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hello Support Team,
First of all. Thanks for the solutions and the quick responses.
1. Table not showing information
Great. That was my mistake. In the future I will be more careful with the filter settings.
2. Columns are not hidden mobile
OK, great that this works. But is it possible to hide/disbale the „+“ icon with the popup. Because I want that the client see only 3 columns and „more details“. The information which shown with the click on + are all in the „more details“ modal.
3. Images are not displayed in the frontend
Nice, we are getting closer and closer to the final solution. Now we see one image in the frontend. 😊
I tried your solution with putting the code to the same line:
But after including more than one image. The plugin shows me an error. See attached. Translation: Error! An error occurred while updating the line! Error: WordPress database error: Failed to process the value for the following field: buy by. The gelled value might be too long or contain invalid data.
4. Filter by Data Range
Thanks for changing the column type. But I don't quite understand where to put the pixel ranges.
I have uploaded you a mockup of my performance. Is such a configuration possible?
Thank you very much. I think we will get a great result soon.
Hello Support Team,
sorry for annoying you.. Did you had the chance to look at the points below? Thank you in advance and your help before!
Best regards,
Hey, Wilhelm.
No, that is no problem at all, just sorry for our delayed responses. We are doing the best we can to assist as much as we can.
- Here is what we got :
2. Yes, you can do that by disabling the Responsive feature on the Display settings ( I just disabled it for you), and just press the "eye" icon on the column setup to hide the columns you need only in the modal;
then no icons will be "expandable with the +", you can just hide them in the "more details Modal"
3. The database has set this as VARCHAR which has a limit for characters of 255, because we set it as "one line string". You can delete, and remake a column again, but select "multi line string". This will make the column in database as TEXT, which has a lot more characters available, it will eliminate this error. Then it should work.
I am just double-checking, if you do that, are the images again going to be one under the other... That's not the goal.
4. I am checking with the developers, to be honest, those selections for the number range filter, if it can be made without a high level of custom work.
I will get back to you as soon as I have more information.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hey Support-Team,
2. I think we found here the best solution. Great!
3. Yes I have tried to made it with your solution. But you are right. Now we have the problem that the icons are not in the same line. Could be great if we find here a solution.
4. Ok lets wait for the developers.
5. One little thing: On tablet the filter settings looks little bit wild. Is there any change to set up the responsive design for that container?
Hey, Wilhelm
I got some advice from the devs.
3. I think we are getting very close to getting the images right - I created a new test page on your WordPress, a private page, and it looks perfect... But on your main/live page, which you built with Elementor, I am still not there yet, can't get the images to properly show while being inline using HTML editor.
This is the test page:
I will work some more on the images, sorry that it is taking so long. Hopefully, we can figure it out tomorrow.
We will keep you posted on the progress.
4. Sorry to disappoint, but we are not able to come up with a solution to make the number range as you need it here, without a high level of custom work, sadly.
You can set up a slider, or an input of a choice for the range, as you probably saw on the Documentation, but that's about it using the built-in functionalities.
5. I added some custom CSS, check out how it looks on tablet resolution.
You can experiment with the styles, it looks better from my end, I added this:
The padding for the filter section elements was 15px, I decreased it, and that's the result. You can decrease it, even more, to see how it looks.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hello, Wilhelm.
Got an update about the images in-line.
Here is what you can do, two possible solutions:
1. You can comment a line of code in this PHP file:
..wp-content/plugins/wpdatatables/controllers/wdt_ajax_actions.php , at line 382 :
so it will look like this :
and that will stop the line break from happening in the cell;
2. Or, you can add a hook to the functions.PHP of the theme or child theme you use, to filter the data :
- Let me know when you try this, please.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps and floor plans, choropleth maps and much more -
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You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hello Milos,
Thank you for your message.
I've implemented the code to the php. The icons will display in the same line. But now I have again the problem, that the images will not display in the frontend. On your test table everything looks great. You you know why?
Best reagrds,
Hey, Wilhelm.
- I am trying to modify your table, was just about to save some changes; and I can't access the site anymore. "
This site can’t be refused to connect.
- Can you access it from your end?
See if you can try this: Don't use the HTML editor, instead try the multi-line string editor type, and make sure to input the full URL of the image, the editor has again cut it short in the code of the cell.
- If that doesn't work, create a new column, set it as a multi-line string right away, so that it gets saved as "TEXT" in the database correctly... And set Editor Type to multi-line string, then it should definitely work.
my dummy example on the image.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps and floor plans, choropleth maps and much more -
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You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hey Milos,
Thanks look great this time!
Regarding the ranges: "
4. Sorry to disappoint, but we are not able to come up with a solution to make the number range as you need it here, without a high level of custom work, sadly.
You can set up a slider, or an input of a choice for the range, as you probably saw on the Documentation, but that's about it using the built-in functionalities."
What do you think will a high level customization cost?
Hi, Wilhelm
- Ah, that is great to hear, I am delighted to see that we got the images right, awesome
4. Yes, unfortunately for the custom slider selections, I can't say an estimate, to be honest.
We can recommend reaching out to someone like WP Kraken, they are really good at providing custom work,
and they can advise what could be done, and how much the price would be.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Hey Milos,
Sorry to annoying you, but I wanted to edit it and now it doesn't work. In your solution the last element brakes into the new row.
I'm sure we'll find the solution soon....
Sorry, Wilhelm, didn't see that message straight away.
- I will take another look, and we will see what went wrong.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Here it is, Wilhelm.
Take another look.
Take a look at what I did in the second row, and apply the same format. It should definitely work now.
Let me know if it's good now.
- Oh, and forgot to say, an important detail, previously I was experimenting on the Display tab, with Responsive feature, and "limit table width to page width", and "wrap words to newlines", that also had a negative effect to the goal, but now I disabled all of that.
Let me know if you need anything else for this design. Thanks
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Thank you!! Looks great.
Hey, Wilhelm
I am delighted to hear that this has been resolved. Thank you for letting us know.
Anything else that we could assist with, don't hesitate to create new tickets.
Have an awesome weekend!
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables