  Public Ticket #2971992
Customers profil and front-end page make no sense and we just have to deal with it


  •  4
    MariusDesign started the conversation


    So let's sum up all the things that can't be changed about the customers front and back end in amelia :
    - On the front-end customer page the time zone selection, which is huge for no reason on mobile and the first thing the customer see on his profil

    - On the back end on the customer profil, we can set if the customer is a male of female. But there is no area for real useful infos to gather like... ADRESS. And it's not even on the booking process, it's up to the admin to fill that. Wonderful.

    - The birth date of the customer is on his profil, the front and back end, he can fill it when he access his account, but surely not when he is booking. Great. So if it's an important business info, we have to remind him using any way we can to give us this info, but not within amelia, no no no, who is kind enough to at least create an area for it in case we manage to get this info ourself. When it would be smart if the customer can add this during the booking process.

    - You know what is next amelia team : the famous cancel button.
    Waouh this one is amazing.
    Let's say you want your customers be able to check his apointments on the website, in case they forgot to add them on his calendar.
    So you add this front-end page.
    Cool, your customers have now the possibility to check them.
    But also cancel them without warning.
    They might paid the service already, which put you in the situation of dealing an not automatic refund, but that's not a big deal.
    If you ask to amelia team, the answer is easy : take out the front end customer page.

    It's like saying "of course you can do the thing you want, but i will also punch you in the face. You don't want be punched in the face ? Don't do what you want".

    Maybe i will write a next episode cause more i use the plugin, more i see the things i can't do and how the staff is underlining it there like its normal.

    But yeah, i should put those in the suggestion box, despite seeing those complains a lot of time here, and wait for them to be the winning next thing updated.

  •  1
    mike replied

    I have solved many areas that you have mentioned simply by reading, testing and asking. I do not work for Amelia, but if you list the items you are trying to do then someone will help. Just add the title name of each area you would like more info on, for example

    1. time zone selection very large on mobile, can we do anything to improve this?

    2. During the booking process what information are we able to collect and how?

    3. What can the customer do under the customer Panel and do you have any information on how this can be adjusted or set?

    Etc, as you posted this to the public, people like me maybe able to help


  •  4
    MariusDesign replied

    Yet you helped about my attitude issue, not about once of my said problems yourself.

  •  1,642
    Uroš replied

    Hello Marius,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    1. If you want to take off the time zone selection on the front-end customer page you can do that with custom CSS. You can use the following CSS code to do that.

    .amelia-app-booking #am-cabinet .am-cabinet-timezone {
        display: none;

    2. Please feel free to search through our feature suggestion page, and see if someone may be already suggested this feature. If you can't see it, feel free to add your suggestion there, and it will be forwarded to our management for review.

    After it's been reviewed it will be presented on the front page, for voting. Please note that it may take some time before your suggestion is brought up for voting since we receive quite a lot of suggestions on daily basis.

    3. If it is required for the customer to enter their birthday, you can set the custom field in the back-end assign it to the service of your choice and this will be represented in the front-end booking form the following way:


    4. If you want to not allow customers to cancel or reschedule, you can disable the "Allow customers to reschedule their own appointments" option in the Amelia/Settings/Roles settings.


    I am really sorry that you feel this way about the plugin. We are constantly working on improving the functionality of the Amelia plugin and we follow the suggestions of our customers.

    Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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  •  4
    MariusDesign replied

    Thank Uros,

    I had a bad attitude, but there is a lot of thing that are frustrating when using the plugin.

    1. Thanks a lot and i'm fine with this solution. But for exemple in your documentation, you should have a paragraph named "custom css" where you could store this kind of suggestion or helpful tips so we don't have to ask and it might be easier to find on google.

    2. Ok i understand it's your process for dealing with suggestion. But in general, we should have more hands on what should appear in the buying process. The gender info is strangely appearing on the customer profil but not on the buying process, it's not even optionnal to show it. It's strange.

    3. Ok as a custom field. But it will not update this info on the customer profil, it will in the apointment infos, as admin we will still have to manually get this info and update it in the customer profil, where there is a birthdate we can update, again it's not appearing in the buying process, same strange issue than point 2.
    It's simple :
    - things that appear in the customer profil should be able to appear in the booking process.
    - they should be useful infos for a lot of business, such as adress. Gender is cool but see the previous point.
    That should not be a suggestion i have to wait to be the most wanted by the plugin users, it's juste comon sense.

    4. If i disable this, it don't disable the cancel button, only the reschedule option.
    To disable the possibility for customer to cancel their rdv, the answer i saw until then is to only disable the customer page.
    But i found a tricky solution by not allowing the cancelation more than 6 months before the rdv, and allowing reservation under a less long time (exemple 3 months), i accidentaly realised that the button would be now disable.
    But it should be an option, regarding refund issues of course.

    You guys are employees, you just have your life, you are now developer, maybe will leave the company tomorrow so it's not your fault.

    The problem is who ever organise everything surounding the plan about what the plugin should be about, the advertising of it, how customers can decide if they want to buy it or not, and how the plugin is improved.

    The really frustrating things is we can't really try the plugin deeply, or you have 15 days to do so. Of course its a financial middle choice between not loosing too much customers and let them decide for a while.
    There is like a continuous feeling of being surprised by bumping into issues that should not appear if the plugin was conceived with comon sense.
    And i understand you come up with this "issues contest" to filter the one to deal with first.
    I just not agree, and have this personal definition of comon sense that might not be yours.

    I just choosed this plugin thinking its a full package that can adapt easily for my customers website, and it's disapointing and i feel stucked with it and the struggle, cause each time my customers is not satisfied, it's days him and i loosing.
    I don't have the luxury to wait what should not be an issue.
    He don't have the luxury to listen me say "too bad, we have to wait this issue to be asked a lot before it might get fixed".

    All of this is long, useless, mostly bitter complain, but this is what amelia make me feel.
    Plugin should be "solving problems", not "bring some more".

    Wish you guys a good day, solutions, and less problematic customers like me

  •  1,642
    Uroš replied

    Hello Marius,

    Thank you for your feedback. 

    1. The undesirable thing about the custom CSS is that it may hide/display/change another element on another page, but thank you for the suggestion to include tips on the documentation.

    2,3. I will suggest this to our developers for future implementation of improving the data store in regards to the information of the customer.

    4. Apologies for the information I provided you with, in the previous response. If you want to disable your customers from being able to cancel the appointment, you can use the following CSS code to not display the cancel button in the customer panel.

    .amelia-app-booking #am-cabinet .am-cabinet-dashboard .am-cabinet-content .am-cabinet-list .am-cabinet .am-cabinet-buttons-align-right .el-dropdown .el-button {

    Hope this works for you.

    Once again, I am really sorry that you feel that way about the plugin, we are constantly working on improving the functionalities of Amelia and adding new things. Thank you for your feedback.

    Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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  •  4
    MariusDesign replied

    Thanks for your answers.

    The custom CSS is a great option.

    Best regards.

  •  1,642
    Uroš replied

    Hello Marius,

    Glad to hear that that helped you.

    Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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