I've added multiple services and bundled them, It seems that 1 service doesn't appear in the Frontend. ''Spreekkamer 2''
On our booking page, I made a general booking page: ''Ruimte reserveren'' where all rooms can be booked, and I made pages to allow rooms to be booked seperately: ''Ruimte huren''
On the general booking page, i've put all the services in 1 category named ''Alles''. Service Spreekkamer 2 is also in this category. (I used: [ameliacatalog category=7] on the frontend).
But there seems to be a bug nog showing the service Spreekkamer 2.. i've tried clearing browser cache, page cache, duplicating the service. Nothing seems to work.
On the seperate page I've made for Spreekkamer 2, it does work. (frontend: [ameliacatalog category=4 employee=7 location=1 show=services]
I've added multiple services and bundled them, It seems that 1 service doesn't appear in the Frontend. ''Spreekkamer 2''
On our booking page, I made a general booking page: ''Ruimte reserveren'' where all rooms can be booked, and I made pages to allow rooms to be booked seperately: ''Ruimte huren''
On the general booking page, i've put all the services in 1 category named ''Alles''. Service Spreekkamer 2 is also in this category. (I used: [ameliacatalog category=7] on the frontend).
But there seems to be a bug nog showing the service Spreekkamer 2.. i've tried clearing browser cache, page cache, duplicating the service. Nothing seems to work.
On the seperate page I've made for Spreekkamer 2, it does work.
(frontend: [ameliacatalog category=4 employee=7 location=1 show=services]
Can you help me with this?
Kind regards,
Hi Robin
Thank you for reaching out to us.
It could be a bug which was fixed in the latest update.
Please update your Amelia plugin to the latest version (4.4.1) and let us know if it helps.
Best Regards.