  Public Ticket #2907938
is plugin suitable for a parking?


  • Pierpaolo Benini started the conversation

    Need a plugin tu setup a simple reservation sistem for a park.

    Customer  has to choose arrival day and time, and leaving day/time, and pay in advance
    choose a Package, e.g. Whole day /whole night

    The number of parking spaces is fixed, we do not need to assign to employee

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Pierpaolo,

    thank you for reaching out to us, and for taking interest in Ameliasmile.png

    It could work for parking reservations; you could use recurring services (daily) that would allow the client to pick a date and time, and choose for how many days they want to repeat it.

    You can also use Packages if you don't need exact consecutive days (Package appointment bookings are more flexible).

    For the employee, I'm afraid that you would need to have them, at least fictional ones that would be hidden from the customers on the frontend; as Amelia needs employees schedules in order to create available slots.