  Public Ticket #2905229
Bug with Editing Table


  • Emanuele started the conversation

    I purchased the plugin and through Forminator I allowed my collaborators to enter my database, only I noticed that both from the back end and from the front end even enabling it does not allow me to modify the individual fields, and on Forminator there is no any setting that allows you to do this. Not even from the Forminator itself it is possible to modify single fields but only delete ??? Could you give me a hand?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Emanuele

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    These tables can't be editable (as mentioned in our documentation - in the last paragraph) because Forminator Forms-based tables are not server-side tables, and therefore they can't be editable.

    We'll look into this in the future, but at the moment it can't be done.