  Public Ticket #2899853
Table calculation


  • Benjamin Papp started the conversation

    Dear Support,

    I am currently creating a Customer portal, for which i will need a table plugin.

    Checked your plugin but not sure whether the following functions exist:

    Date calculations (customer have service expiry date, i would like a column which calculates the days back from the service eg. Today-expiry date shown in days)


    such as a button in a row which can be used by customer to request turning off something and that button sends us a mail about it.

    Thank You,

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Benjamin

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Unfortunately this cannot be achieved using the plugin's builtin features.

    I'll kindly ask you to add it as a feature suggestion on this page. 

    Features are pushed up on our "to-do" list when there are a lot of customers requesting those features, so having your vote as a customer can be beneficial to this feature being developed sooner.

    The first part could be achieved with the DATEDIFF() function in MySQL query-based tables, but included support for the plugin doesn't include writing custom queries, so we're not able to help you with that I'm afraid.