  Public Ticket #2897628
Page profile


  • Fabio started the conversation

    Dear Support,

    Prior to buy Amelia I would like to know if there is any way to display the complete profile of the staff on a page and then allow users to make a booking from there? Staff member 1 -> book them

    Staff member 2 -> book them

    And so on in a dynamical way  If yes, could you explain me how to do? 

    Elementor Pro + Ultimate Member Pro + Amelia

    Thanks Fabio

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Fabio,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I'm afraid, at the moment there's no such a built-in feature that would let to create Employees' profiles in Amelia.

    However, that can be achieved if you add the profiles as page elements through the page builder and then make booking forms with Services that are being provided by each Employee separately available through buttons under their profiles. You can even use pop-ups since you have Elementor (our pop-ups support only this page builder), so that's how it will look like:

    Staff member 1 profile on the page -> "Book now" button -> a new page with Amelia booking form or a pop-up.

    We do have shortcodes that display only Services assigned to a particular Employee, for example [ameliabooking employee=1] if you want to show the booking form for the employee with ID 1.

    Hope that will help.

    Best Regards.