  Public Ticket #2897120
Show "Bringing anyone with you" option does not work


  • Bram Bouwes started the conversation


    Recently I have bought the plugin. Currently I am setting everything up but during this I came across an error.

    If I create a new service I want to have the option "Bringing anyone with you" and I activate this whilst setting everything up. But once I check on the website it does not give me the option to select adational people and directly goes to the agenda so that you can select an date.

    I have tried to uninstal en instal the plugin again but still got this issue. Once I activate 'extra's' I do get the option "Bringing anyone with you" But I preffer to have this option to be able without having to activate the extra options class everywhere.

    Is there something I am missing by setting this up? 

    I would apreciate your help on this one, thanks in advance!

    In the relate URL you can see the 2 services I made, the Lunch service has 'extra's' so it does show the option to bring extra people but the Sushi - chef does not has extras and directly goes to the agenda to pick a date.



  • Bram Bouwes replied


    I have been making some adjustments within the customize tab and whilst doing this I have found the source of this problem.

    If you turn off the option to select a employer for the form 'catalog booking form - catalog service - step 2' it directly also hides the option 'bringing anyone with you'. So now I have activated the option to select a employee and it gives the option to add aditional people.

    In the customize tab it does show as two separte blocks but the effect each other. 

    Perhaps something to look into since it might be something other users also run into :)

    Best regards,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Bram,

    Thank you for choosing Amelia.

    And for letting us know about the issue. I just tested it on our demo site and it worked fine (the "Bringing anyone with you" option was enabled in the Service modal). Basically, this option should not be modified on the Customize page. I assume it could happen because of the theme that you use: somehow, both fields were hidden, when by default the "Bringing anyone with you" option should not be affected.

    We can check that if you provide us with a temporary WP Admin login.

    Best Regards. 

  •   Bram Bouwes replied privately
  •   [deleted] replied privately
  • Bram Bouwes replied

    Hi Liza,

    Thanks for taking a look at the website! I have checked out if it was due to WP Fastest cache plugin by enabling the pages with Amelia on it. But this did not work, so I deactivated the plugin to see if it was due to this plugin. Before doing the above I did clear the cache before whitelisten and deactivating it.

    But the same problem keeps on apearing if I set the field for 'show employees' to do not show. In the customization field for the  'catalog booking form' and then the form flow 'catalog service' step 2.


    In this image you can see where I am making the adjustments. In the following Image you can see that I have disabled the option to show the employees. 


    The simple solution to this issue is to just keep the field of employees active, and this will not be a big deal if I only add 1 employee to each categorie. But it is strange that this field also effects the 'bring anyone with you' field.

    Is it just on my instalation that this appears? Or is it perhaps a minor error in the plugin?

    But like I said it's not a big issue and I aprieceate the time you are taking to look into this :)

    Kind regards,


  • [deleted] replied


    Nono, there are no "big" and "small" issues, we treat all issues the same way!smile.png

    Ok, I realized what was wrong with the settings (finally!).

    The problem wasn't coming from the Customize page, it was coming from the settings. If you set the Capacity to 4-8 people and you want to see the "Bringing anyone with you" option, you have to enable the "Allow booking below minimum capacity" option in Amelia -> Settings -> Appointments, because otherwise, it will be mandatory for Customers to have a group of 4-8 people to book an Appointment.

    I enabled the option and the "Allow booking below minimum capacity", and the booking form changed accordingly:


    Now I disabled this option, so please go to Amelia -> Settings -> Appointments, enable it and test the booking form.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.