  Public Ticket #2885995


  • Vedant Saraf started the conversation

    I stopped using this plugin a while ago but got charged for the plugin on 29th September, I request the team to cancel all my TMS plugins and please initiate a refund for this one as this is of no use to me.

    Thank you!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Vedant

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Unfortunately we are not able to issue a refund after the 15 day money back guarantee has passed.

    To cancel your subscriptions please log into http://store.tms-plugins.com/ with the credentials you received in your e-mail when you purchased the plugin, then navigate to Purchases/wpDataTables, and you will see the "Cancel subscription" button.


    If you don't see it, and you're using a screen with width lower than 1600px, you will need to scroll through that screen horizontally to see the button.