Hey there, Awesome Customers!

Just a heads up: We'll be taking a breather to celebrate International Workers' Day (May 1st and 2nd - Wednesday and Thursday) and Orthodox Easter from Good Friday (May 3rd) through Easter Monday (May 6th). So, from May 1st to May 6th, our team will be off enjoying some well-deserved downtime.

During this time, our customer support will be running on a smaller crew, but don't worry! We'll still be around to help with any urgent matters, though it might take us a bit longer than usual to get back to you.

We'll be back in action at full throttle on May 7th (Tuesday), ready to tackle your questions and requests with gusto!

In the meantime, you can explore our documentation for Amelia and wpDataTables. You'll find loads of helpful resources, including articles and handy video tutorials on YouTube (Amelia's YouTube Channel and wpDataTables' YouTube Channel). These gems might just have the answers you're looking for while we're kicking back.

Thanks a bunch for your understanding and support!

Catch you on the flip side!

Warm regards,


  Public Ticket #2883844


  • Graham started the conversation

    Hi.  We have some large tables that have 27 or so columns and 8K rows.  After watching the video on responsiveness I think I have seen the answer.  If I purchase the pro version for the responsiveness, on a desktop will it give me the + (plus) button for the columns that would go off the page?  Is there documentation on this?

    This is the document on the subject but are there more documents? Responsive tables in WordPress - wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Plugin


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Graham

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    You can achieve this by increasing the screen size of mobile and tablet devices set in the main wpDataTables settings.


    This will show the + button for all screen sizes lower than what you set in the settings, so setting a very high number would be the best.

    Since this is in global settings it is applied on all tables. We have in plan to implement it on each table on Customize tab in table settings in the future.

    Until that you can use this hook in functions.php of your theme or child theme

    // $tableDescriptionObj std class/object thatcontain all table description
    // tableId string that contain table id
    // wpdtObj WPDataTable object function updateTableDescription( $tableDescriptionObj, $tableId ,$wpdtObj)   {        // condition for table that have id 1     if( $tableId == 1 ){        // set tabletWidth on 1000 you will insert value for your needs            $tableDescriptionObj->tabletWidth = '1000';        // for mobileWidth you will use like this        // we set 300 you will set for your needs            $tableDescriptionObj->mobileWidth = '300';        }    return $tableDescriptionObj;
    add_filter('wpdatatables_filter_table_description','updateTableDescription', 10, 3);

    I hope this helps, do let us know if you need any further assistance. 

  • Graham replied

    Hi Blaženka

    Thank you for your prompt reply.  Just checking that the below is correct for tableid 11. 

    Much appriciated.


    WPDataTable object function updateTableDescription( $tableDescriptionObj, $tableId ,$wpdtObj)

    if( $tableId == 11 )

    $tableDescriptionObj->tabletWidth = '1000';

    add_filter('wpdatatables_filter_table_description','updateTableDescription', 10, 3);

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Graham

    This looks fine to me but do let me know if you encounter any issues so we can troubleshoot further.