  Public Ticket #2866304
No matching records - SQL Query - Can't uncheck server side processing.


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    DEBRA started the conversation

    I am not able to de-select the server side processing checkbox for a SQL query table. This is (I believe) why I'm unable to return any results when using either the 'search' or 'filter' features to find entries in my table. Why am unable to deselect the checkbox?  And if this isn't the source of my search/filter issue, what is causing that?  I am returning records (as shown in the displayed content from the link I provided) but entering anything in the search returns no results.
    This was working fine a month ago.  I've been on vacation and just recently updated several of the sites plugins and also wordpress.  I appreciate your help.  

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi DEBRA

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Can you please tell us how many entries are in the table you have this issue with? If it is a large table you ill not be able to turn off this option. 

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    DEBRA replied

    2156 rows.  If I'm unable to turn this off, how do users filter or sort to find their respective entries on the front end?  

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    DEBRA replied

    It appears the number of rows is why I'm unable to turn off server side processing.  So the question does become:  how can a person search for an entry on the front end?  Or, is that simply not possible with tables greater than 2000 rows?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Debra

    Thank you for confirming that, yes the size of the table is the reason why it cannot be turned off.

    If your table is large, it is much better to port it to a different format, or – even better – to MySQL table (you can use “Create a table by importing data from data source” to import your file to MySQL).