  Public Ticket #2856594
paramétrage employés


  • Sophie started the conversation


    Dans les paramétrages, je suis la seule employée mais je dois travailler sur plusieurs emplacement. Pourquoi je n'arrive pas à sélectionner plusieurs emplacement? 

    Ce serait plus logique d'avoir un choix multiple pour les emplacements où l'employé dispense les services.

    Je ne souhaite pas dupliquer le nombre d'employé...

    merci pour votre aide.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Sophie,

    Thank you for choosing Amelia.

    The official language of our support is English, so I will have to use Google translate for our communication. I would like to apologize for the possible misunderstanding in advance.

    Yes, I'm afraid, at the moment Amelia has this limitation. We are planning to change this logic in one of the coming updates, however, I cannot tell you when exactly. Thus, you can speed the process up by submitting a request on our website.

    Also, you can assign different Locations to different time periods in the Employee's working hours, so probably that can be a solution:


    Best Regards. 

  • Sophie replied

    Thanks for the answer! I juste find this after my post. This is good.

    I've an other question.

    Is it possible for 1 service to specify 5 fixed weekly sessions? For example, a customer orders a service that takes place on Monday and this automatically blocks the next 4 Mondays. I have seen that there are recurring appointments but the client can change the dates himself and I would like to prevent him.

    Best Regards.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Sophie,

    thank you for contacting backsmile.png

    You can optionally create a service that will operate only on Mondays and give the client a "choice" of only Monday; however, there is no other automatic way to do so, at the moment, I'm afraid.