  Public Ticket #2856173
Hide chart before it is fully loaded


  • Artur started the conversation

    When we have multiple charts on one page which make SQL querys at the same time in the background the page loads for a long time. Is it possible to hide a chart before it is fully loaded? So that it could speed up the loading time.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Artur

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Unfortunately, there's not much you can do to increase the loading speed.

    An Admin-Ajax call is then being run to generate the chart, so I suppose that could increase the loading time.

    If you have some caching plugins, try disabling them on pages where the tables and the charts load.

    Another option would be to increase the memory limit in your php.ini file on your server, but I don't know if your hosting provider will allow that. Turning off the admin-ajax call would render the chart useless.