  Public Ticket #2850275
SQL Server connectivity


  • Bill weir started the conversation

    I am trying to add a "separate connection" to a SQL Server. I see from your support answers that PDO_SQLSRV is required. I'm hosting my own server and have spent hours trying to follow the instructions from Microsoft to install the driver but it still doesn't appear in phpinfo(). Do you know of -or have documentation that I can follow?

    I have other successful apps -generated with PHP Runner- on the same web server using PHP 7.4.8 to connect to my SQL Server but it uses php_com_dotnet.dll. Can your stuff be configured to use this?

    I think if I must use PDO_SQLSRV and cannot get it working I will need a refund.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Bill

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Can you please tell us if you have tried connecting the database without that server installed? Do you get an error message indicating a driver is missing? If not please try whitelisting your IP address and try again. We don't have any documentation for your specific case since this is not a part of configuration for wpDataTables, we usually suggest reaching out to your hosting provider for assistance as we do not posses the required knowledge in this matter.

  • Bill weir replied


    I worked on this some more and was able to get the PDO_SQLSRV driver to appear in phpinfo(). Then I was able to add the data source to WPDataTables. The problem was my php.ini filename had a space in it. When I corrected this and once I had the correct OBDC driver and PDO drivers listed as extensions in php.ini I could connect.

    You can close this ticket. Thanks.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Bill

    We are happy to hear that, thank you for letting us knowsmile.png

    If there is anything else we can assist you with please don't hesitate to open a new ticket.

    Have a wonderful day!