  Public Ticket #2824984
Hop to edit WooCommerce Cart?


  •  12
    Laurence started the conversation

    How to edit the text in the cart, its embarrassing and not representative what we are selling. See attached. 

    Firstly we dont sell "Appointments" so we want that removed. 

    No need to show the title "service", but we want to show "Afternoon Tea for 2". 

    No need to show employee

    No need to show total number of persons (as you can see we are selling an Afternoon Tea for 2 so this will confuse people). 

    Ideally we just want to show the following, and thats all, so what function can we tap into to create our own content for this? 

    Afternoon Tea for 2
    July 16, 2021 2:15pm

    Number of Vegans attending? : 0
    Number of Gluten Free attending?: 0
    Number of Vegetarians attending? : 0

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Laurence

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    All  those information are being pulled from Amelia, so we can't change words.

    We can try hiding some lines with custom CSS, but it's not recommended, because it will modify the cart and the checkout for all products, not just Amelia.

  •  12
    Laurence replied

    "All  those information are being pulled from Amelia,"

    Yes thats why I asked the question here! Looking for some help how to change it. Does Amelia not have any hooks to tap into to edit these things? Like the majority of Wordpress and plugins? 

    If not, then I know WooCommerce has hooks to change this info, so because Amelia is creating it probably using a WooCommerce hook, then I would like more info on how I can then change it again. So override the Amelia added content, to change it to add our own. So there must be some hook used in Amelia to add this info. I could replicate it, run it after the Amelia one, and edit it to remove the content I dont need. 

    You must agree the information presented does not look good at all, so it would be quite a bad thing if its not possible to amend this in anyway. 


  • [deleted] replied

    Unfortunately, we don't have hooks (action and filters) at the moment. What we have is a few JS hooks that are triggered depends on the view:

    window.beforeCatalogServiceLoaded(object_category, object_service)
    window.afterSearchActivateService(object_appointment, object_serviceActive)
    window.afterSearchGoToSecondStep(object_appointment, object_serviceActive)
    window.afterBookingSelectDateAndTime(object_appointment, object_serviceId, object_providerId, object_locationId)
    window.afterBookingSelectService(object_appointment, object_serviceId, object_providerId, object_locationId)
    window.beforeConfirmBookingLoaded(object_appointment, object_service, object_provider, object_location)
    window.afterConfirmBooking(object_appointment, object_service, object_provider, object_location)

    JS files are modified (minimized) in the public version of the plugin (in our development environment is accessible), but unfortunately, I can not send you our source code because that is the policy of our company.

    All those files that have extension .vue are compressed and minimized in JS files that are very hard and not recommended modifying. So in order to add some other features, you can unminify the js and customize it.

    There isn't a possibility in Amelia to block blacklisted users with its current features, unfortunately. There isn't an integration between Amelia and any such plugin, so we can't say if and how that will work with another plugin.

    If you want you can try with some customization services, like Codeable for example, Codeable Custom Solution for Amelia plugin or Kraken  https://wpkraken.io/?tms-plugins (by following the links they would know it is our recommendation).

  •  12
    Laurence replied

    Ok thanks. I dont think we can use JS, we need it saved in WooCommerce cart and so therefore on order emails etc. 

    So how does Amelia add the info to the cart in the first place? The timeslot, and custom fields for example? There must be some woocommerce hook Amelia uses to add this, is it possible you can tell me what, or even what file it is in, maybe I can copy that, and then customise it in my own functions.php file, to override Amelias. I assume this is a WooCommerce hook in PHP and not JS, because its using the WooCommerce Cart, its actually saved in its cart and not injected on the page with JS. 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Laurence

    To be honest I am not that familiar with webhooks, so let me forward this to my colleague in Level 2 he might be able to provide you with more useful information on that mattersmile.png 

    We appreciate your time and patience.

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Laurence

    You can override the default data written in the cart by modifying the "Description for WooCommerce" located in "Set MetaData and Description" in Amelia Settings/Payments, on the bottom of the page.

    In order to hide "Appointment info:", please add this CSS to the page:

    dt.variation-AppointmentInfo {
    display: none !important;

    Then, in the "Description for WooCommerce" add these placeholders:

    Number of Vegans attending: %custom_field_11%
    Number of Gluten Free attending: %custom_field_12%
    Number of Vegetarians attending: %custom_field_13%

    Just replace the IDs of custom fields with the IDs of your custom fields.

    The "Appointment" is the name of the default product which is created in WooCommerce when you enable WooCommerce payments in Amelia. You can modify it through your dashboard/Products. So, you can change it to say whatever you want it to say. 

    Here's how it looks like on my end:


    "Tea" is the altered name of the product, so instead of "Appointment" it now says "Tea", while "Service 1" is the name of my service, so on your end, it would be "Afternoon Tea for 2".

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  12
    Laurence replied

    That sounds great, I didn't realise I could change it in the settings sorry! I will give this a go!

    Thanks a lot

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    No worries, Laurence, as long as it works! It's a relatively new addition to the plugin, also. In the past you weren't able to change this.

    Let me know if you have any other questions or issues.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  12
    Laurence replied

    Hi Aleksandar

    There is an issue with this below, so is there a hook/action we can use in PHP to programatically show it? 

    The problem is, these custom fields now appear on ALL services. Some services do not have these fields on checkout, so are blank. 

    We are selling tickets to see Father Christmas, and it includes these vegan/vegetarians choinces as blank on checkout. When booking afternoon tea its showing custom fields we added for Father christmas tickets. 

    So its too simplistic a solution to us. 

    We need to conditionally show them. Only show them when a value exists. If there is no value then they dont need to show. 

    Can your "Set MetaData and Description" have conditional statements? if not, then what hook can I use to write my own? 


  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello again Laurence

    Amelia doesn't yet have hooks and actions you could use to modify this. Since you're entering strings in the description, it will always be displayed.

    I'll reach out to our developers and see if there's a way of changing this, so the info is only displayed if the custom field exists, but I can't promise anything.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  12
    Laurence replied

    Thank you. 

    Also please comment that I’ve never come across plugins of this size without hooks. It’s extremely disappointing there are none, as they’re at the heart of what makes Wordpress so flexible for developers. I honestly can’t believe they’ve been overlooked or intentionally left out. It’s really easy to add hooks in! A single line is all is needed! 

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hi again Laurence

    I'll forward your feedback to them, no worries.

    Our development team seems to have found a way to do this, with conditional logic, but it still needs to be tested. We'll test it next week, and if it's working properly without any conflicts, we'll send it to you, and include it in our next update.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  12
    Laurence replied

    That sounds great, thanks a lot. Yes this can wait, we will just have all fields on the checkout for now, but as we add more services with different fields it will all look a bit messy. but next week would be fine, thanks a lot!

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Thank you for your patience, Laurence.

    I can't guarantee that it will be done next week, but we have our developers on it.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hi again Laurence

    We just released an update that includes a CSS class "am-cf-empty" for all empty fields that have no values.

    All you need to do is wrap all rows in WooCommerce metaData description inside <p>...</p> tags, and add this class in Custom CSS:

    .am-cf-empty {
        display: none;

    Custom code needs to be applied to the page where the booking form is. Depending on what you're using (Gutenberg blocks, or some page builder), adding the CSS or JS can be done in a few different ways. 

    If you need help with adding custom CSS to the page, please take a look at this article.

    If you need help with adding custom JS to the page, please take a look at this article.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  12
    Laurence replied

    Great thank you!

    But because its CSS based, is this class also added to the customer thank you email, and so we need to add this to WooCommerce emails too? 

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hey Laurence

    Unfortunately, the CSS is being overridden in the emails, so it's not going to work there.

    The development team has been informed and they'll be working on this for our next update.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  • Ruben replied

    Any update on this? i really need this. 

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Ruben

    If you're referring to the conditional logic in the emails, unfortunately, something like this is not possible with the plugin yet, but I will add your vote to our developers' To-Do list, so they can work on it in the future.

    Sorry for the delay, but we develop and upgrade features based on the number of customer requests. This hasn't been requested frequently, so it's not high up on our list.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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