  Public Ticket #2822928


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    Roy started the conversation

    Client have a baby spa and wants a booking system.

    How Can I do the following things:

    - Multiple time slots (times you can set yourself, client wants for every time slot 1 hour and 15 minutes)
    - Customer has 7 services, with service 1 there are 2 baths available, so both can be booked at a specific time (so 2 bookings ar possible on that time slot). In addition, the customer also offers a DUO session (service 2), which means that both baths are booked for that time and that time slot is no longer available for other services.
    - preferably also that you can quickly block parts of the day (e.g. that you think one evening, I don't have any appointments tomorrow, I block that morning, so that appointments can't be made after all)
    - At checkout, it must be possible to create a separate text box, so that the customer can write down any details

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Roy,

    thank you for reaching out to ussmile.png I apologize for the late response as we don't work on weekends.

    - Multiple time slots (times you can set yourself, client wants for every time slot 1 hour and 15 minutes)

    Time slots for 1 service can have only 1 duration. Service A is 1 hour, Service B is 15 minutes. We don't have flexible slots for one service I'm afraid so that it can be 1 hour and sometimes 15 minutes. But you can create 2 services, and assign the same employee, to make sure when one is booked the other is not available.

    - Customer has 7 services, with service 1 there are 2 baths available, so both can be booked at a specific time (so 2 bookings ar possible on that time slot). In addition, the customer also offers a DUO session (service 2), which means that both baths are booked for that time and that time slot is no longer available for other services.

    This is a bit trickier to manage; for service 1 that has 2 baths (can accept 2 bookings) you can either set 2 employees for each bath, or just set one employee and increase maximum capacity of this service to 2 so that 2 bookings can be made at the same time.

    For the duo session, having max capacity 2 would resolve it.

    - preferably also that you can quickly block parts of the day (e.g. that you think one evening, I don't have any appointments tomorrow, I block that morning, so that appointments can't be made after all)

    Slots are blocked by being booked, or by entering Day Off or Break times. If you connect a Google or Outlook Calendar, you can insert a busy slot in the calendar and Amelia will mark it as booked / unavailable right away.

    - At checkout, it must be possible to create a separate text box, so that the customer can write down any details

    This can be achieved by creating Custom Fields.

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    Roy replied

    Hello Ivana,

    Thank you for your answer, very good! But i don't understand this:

    This is a bit trickier to manage; for service 1 that has 2 baths (can accept 2 bookings) you can either set 2 employees for each bath, or just set one employee and increase maximum capacity of this service to 2 so that 2 bookings can be made at the same time.

    For the duo session, having max capacity 2 would resolve it.

    Can you show me by screenshots how i must do this? Especially the difference in setting between service 1 (2 bath can be booked twice in 1 time slot) and service 2 (DUO, can be booked one time in 1 time slot)

  •  1
    Roy replied

    as attachment my services.

    As attachment my employee and the employee services.. 

    If I now select Service 1 (Float&massage) i only can book this one time in a specific time slot

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Roy,

    thank you for the kind replysmile.png

    You can only select the Float&massage because you have only 1 employee.

    The more employees you have on one service, the more free slots at the same time you will have.

    This is why I have suggested adding another employee and having that employee work the same service as your other employee.

    For service 1, create 2 employees separately.

    Then assign them both to service 1, just like you showed in the screenshot "employee 2".

    For the Maximum Capacity increase for the DUO, here is where you can increase it to 2:


    This is in Amelia > Services > Edit service.

  •  1
    Roy replied

    sorry, this doesn't work.. I have 2 employees at service 1 now. I have set which services are allowed for both employees (see attachment). But if I now select a time, I can still only make 1 booking.. can you log in differently and check this? Because this really has to work

  •  1
    Roy replied

    Is it true that the customer then has to choose between employee 1 or employee 2? that's actually not what I mean and wish? I just want service 1 to be bookable 2x (and then automatically choose either employee 1 or employee 2). It should be as easy as possible for the customer

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    Roy replied

    see attachment with the employee services

  •  1
    Roy replied

    It worked!! I had to enable this: Allow bookings below the minimum number and now I can make 2 reservations at service 1, perfect! One other question, I would like to work with coupon codes, this works perfectly, but can I also specify a validity period? I want a coupon code to be valid for 1 year only

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Roy,

    I'm glad that option works for yousmile.pngSelection of employee is mandatory; but that choice can always be hidden from the frontend so that system will assign first available employee instead of letting the customer pick.

    Sure, you can set the expiry of the Coupons for as long as you wish.

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    Roy replied

    Ivana, where can i do this?

    Sure, you can set the expiry of the Coupons for as long as you wish.

    It must be valid for 1 year.

  • [deleted] replied

    My bad Roy,

    I sincerely apologize for misunderstanding you.

    The expiry is related to the number of times coupon is used, not an exact date, which I now realize you need, I'm sorry.

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    Roy replied

    Good evening, I have a few more questions:

    1) if I create a special day (i.e. an extra day that the customer wants open), I cannot enter the breaks, only the opening hours. How do I set this up?

    2) If I want to set a special day, I cannot set the time 8:30. This is probably because in settings > general > general settings I have set the default time slot app to 1 hour 30 minutes, but this has to be done, otherwise the time slots that I have set for the services will not work properly (1 hour and 15 minutes is a default time of a customer service). So how do I set 8:30 on special days now?

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Roy

    Ivana is out of the office, so I'll help you out.

    1. You can add multiple periods in a same day, that would count as breaks, so instead of adding a special day with working hours from 09:00 - 15:00, and a break between 12:00 and 13:00, create two periods in the same day:

    From 09:00 - 12:00

    From 13:00 - 15:00

    2. You have to reduce the default time slot step. If your services last 1:15, and have buffer time of 15 minutes, you can simply enable "Use service duration for booking a time slot" and you won't have issues with the time slots on the front-end.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Roy replied

    Hello Alexander.. thank you for your first answer... But the second doesn't work (see attachment).

  •  1
    Roy replied

    How must I do this.. if I choose for 15 minutes there, in frontend the bookings are not good, because then customer can choose every 15 minutes for a service and it must take the time of the service (so start at 8:30, then second time slot available at 9:45 and then further and further). How must I do this? 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Roy,

    thank you for the kind replysmile.png

    because then customer can choose every 15 minutes for a service and it must take the time of the service

    This is why Aleksandar advised to switch to the option Use service duration as time slot step.

    When you do, your next appointment will be after the previous one ends.

  •  1
    Roy replied

    I understand it, but where must i setup this? Can you send me a screenshot what i must do? 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Roy,


    Please go to Amelia > Settings > General Settings, and you will see it here:


  •  1
    Roy replied

    Good evening, thanks for all the good explanation, everything works fine now! 1 more question. I have 2 employees, if I add the special days to employee 1, can I easily copy these to employee 2? Otherwise you have to enter everything twice.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Roy,


    For the Special Days, they can only be added individually at the moment, I'm afraid, for each employee separatelly.

  •  1
    Roy replied

    Good evening, I have 1 more question. When I make a booking, the employee is listed there (see attachment).. can I also set this not to be displayed?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Roy

    You can hide the employee drop-down using this custom CSS:

    div.am-select-service > form > div.el-form-item.am-select-employee-option {
    display: none !important;

    and to hide them from booking recap you can use this CSS

    div.am-confirm-booking-data.el-row > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) {    display: none;

    Please note that the employees will be randomly assigned to services this way but you can reassign them from the backend as you see fit.