  Public Ticket #2820195
No guarda mis cambios


  • Nacho started the conversation

    Buenas tardes,

    Estoy intentando configurar las notificaciones de los emails para el cliente y ponerlo multilingual pero no me guarda los cambios que realizo en el texto.

    ¿Podrían ayudarme con esto?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Nacho

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    If you want to use multiple languages, you should create a multilingual environment on your site (with WPML plugin or any other tool), and add different booking forms to different pages, thus an English booking form should be on the page in English. Only then your Customers will be able to receive notifications in different languages. it's not possible to enable only multilingual Notifications, the entire booking system should be multilingual.

    If notification templates are disappearing when you save them, or switch between them, please disable grammarly, language tool, or any other grammar browser add-on you may have enabled in the browser.

  • Nacho replied

    Podría decirme cómo agrego diferentes formularios de reserva a diferentes páginas? Tengo un entorno multilingual en mi sitio web instalado ya.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Nacho

    Please follow the instructions from our documentation on how to set up a multilingual environment and place Amelia booking shortcodes to the translated pages


  • Nacho replied

    He seguido cada uno de los pasos de vuestras instrucciones para crear diferentes plantillas de notificación de email en diferentes lenguas y no me guarda los cambios. Necesito saber por qué no guarda los cambios.

    Adjunto video:

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Nacho

    This usually happens if you have a language checking tool, like "Gramarly" or "LanguageTool" installed on your browser.

    When you get to the Notifications page in Amelia, turn off the grammar checking tool, and then you should be able to save the notifications normally.