  Public Ticket #2819890
Uploadin files to Employee portal


  •  8
    Tania Hiatt started the conversation


    When our service providers (employees) register on our site they need to upload copies of insurances, licences etc which is done by another plugin but we would like them to be accessible in their Amelia employee portal so they can be updated when required. Is this something that can be done? 

    If not can it please be added to the future features list? It would be best used with a membership type Employee portal, where they can also link their google calendar themselves.

    I've added these requested features via the page recommended but they never appear in the list for voting so I'[m not sure if I'm doing it correctly when I do.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Tania

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Unfortunately there is no built-in feature that would allow you to do this, but please leave your suggestion following this link, you said you have done so before so I will make sure to forward your request to our developers as well just to make sure they are aware of it.

  •  8
    Tania Hiatt replied

    Thanks for your reply Blazenka,

    I'll add it to the list :)

  • [deleted] replied

    You are most welcome, I wish I could be more helpful.

    If there is anything else we can assist you with please don't hesitate to open a new ticket.

    Have a wonderful daysmile.png