  Public Ticket #2818561
If a staffmember is picked on an event, should he be able to be picked on another then?


  • Mikael MorĂ©n started the conversation

    I tried something. I want the opportunity to have a couple of potential events and services linked to 1 employee.

    For example: 

    I want 1 employee to be linked to an activity that goes on for 4 hours during an morning and another one that goes on for 4 hours during the afternoon. 

    At the same time I want the same staff to be bookable for a longer trip, lets say 3 days.

    If someone book the 4-hour activity with this employee, I want to remove the opportunity to book him for the 3-day trip at the same time. 

    I THINK that if you had the "event"-functionality in the "service"-sektion I would be able to do what I want. 

    Also / Otherwise I would like to be able to set the duration of an event, start and stop-hours, without needing to set specific dates. 

    Lets say a customer wants to begin the 3-day long adventure on a tuesday or a thursday, that should not mather, they should be able to pick their starting-day as long as the employee linked to the adventure is avalible. 

    I'm hoping you can tell what I'm looking for here and I hope that it's possible to fix!  

    Best regards // Micke 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Mikael

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Unfortunately this is not possible. You can add that staff member to an event but he will not be able to receive any appointments for the duration of the event. If you leave your event with no staff you can manually close off the event in case he receives a booking for a service in that time.

    Events must have the start date it is not possible to set it as "relative".

    I'll kindly ask you to add it as a feature suggestion on this page. 

    Features are pushed up on our "to-do" list when there are a lot of customers requesting those features, so having your vote as a customer can be beneficial to this feature being developed sooner.