  Public Ticket #2814835
Notifications - Send Test email sends original, not customized email


  • Cédric Bontems started the conversation


    In the plugin notifications tab, I customize notification emails templates, and save modifications

    When I click the button [ Send Test Email ] I keep receiving the test email with the default template, not the customized one.

    But if I go to frontend and book an appointment, I receive the notification email as customized in the plugin.

    Is there a reason why test emails are not sent using cutomized templates ? Did I miss some setting, or is this a bug ?

    [ Send Test Email ] should definitely send a test email using the currently edited template, otherwise it is pointless.

    Thanks for your help !


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Cédric,

    thank you for reaching out to ussmile.png

    Please make sure that your cache is cleared, and check if you have any language related extensions; they can influence this as well.