i would like to know, if there is a way i can direct the customer from out website direct to a spcific service. So if i have a service on our website like Facial1 and have a button programmed to directly book this treatment in Amelia. I tried different things with shortcodes, but nothing worked.
thank you for the quick reply. It worked! There is only one little problem, that when the booking window opens you can't see what you're boking for. Is there a way to implement the Title of the Service in the first window that shows after you call [ameliabooking service=xx] ? Maybe i can add a text in this call? But how.
And is there a list availlable for them extra commands after [ameliabooking .....]?
i would like to know, if there is a way i can direct the customer from out website direct to a spcific service. So if i have a service on our website like Facial1 and have a button programmed to directly book this treatment in Amelia. I tried different things with shortcodes, but nothing worked.
Hi Jacqueline,
thank you for reaching out to us
Have you tried with the shortcode [ameliabooking service=ID]?
Instead of ID you would put the ID number of Facial1; you can find this number in Amelia > Services.
In this way only this service's available dates and times will be shown in that booking window.
Hello Ivana,
thank you for the quick reply. It worked! There is only one little problem, that when the booking window opens you can't see what you're boking for. Is there a way to implement the Title of the Service in the first window that shows after you call [ameliabooking service=xx] ? Maybe i can add a text in this call? But how.
And is there a list availlable for them extra commands after [ameliabooking .....]?
kind regards
Hello Jacqueline,
thank you for letting me know
Honestly, there isn't a way to add text directly I'm afraid. You could indicate the service name with [ameliacatalog service=ID]
Here are all of our shortcodes so that you can find the most suitable one
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions about them.
Hi Ivana,
thank you very much for your help.
kind regards
Anytime Jacqueline
If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to open a new ticket, and we'll gladly help.