  Public Ticket #2813195


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    Sara Beltran started the conversation


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    Sara Beltran replied

    I change my wordpress utc to another time but I wasnt our fault and have lost money because of that. this is so anoying.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Sara

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Amelia doesn't have any time zone settings, and it picks up the WordPress time zone, from WordPress' General settings so it is not capable of changing anything on its own.

    If you have set your WordPress timezone to one of the UTC+- options, not the City timezone option, it could cause the issue. Because, these UTC options don't recognize the daylight savings and the time change, and since this setting applies to Amelia as well, we recommend choosing one of the City options there instead, because of this reason.

    So, please make sure your time zone settings are set to the City option.

    Also, please make sure that the Time Zone in your operating system matches the Time Zone in WP settings and no VPN is being used.

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    Outpeak SL replied

    Hello Blazenka, I had the same problem and Amelia didn’t work properly when I select the city “Madrid”. WP shows the right time but Amelia showed weird time slots so I had to configure it with the UTC time zones and will have to change it to a different UCT the 31st of October. 

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    Sara Beltran replied

    thank for you experience. Yes, used to work properly until yesterday that all the bookings move one hour later and we had really bad problems yesterday with clients, we had to refound them because we coudnt bring the service on time. I change the utc and I could fix it but I dont know why this worked before and just changed out of the blue. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Sara 

    We are glad to hear you were able to resolve the issue. To be honest we can't say exactly why this would happen as Amelia doesn't have any time zone settings, and it picks up the WordPress time zone, so the only explanation we can think of is that something caused your WordPress timezone to change affecting Amelia as well.

    I wish I could be more helpful but we don't have any settings that could cause this.

    Please do let us know if there is anything else we can do to assist.