  Public Ticket #2810849
i need help with a plug in but can not get the purchase codes.


  • Drew Sparks started the conversation

    I had a web designer build my website. The agreed price was paid to them during the build they wanted me to sign up for an expensive marketing and maintenance package. When I didn't they became hard to work with and slowed the project to a crawl. Taking months to complete work that was to be completed in weeks per their commitment. They then asked me to release them from the contract with out all of the work being completed. immediately after the release was signed my site calendar began to show all the weekends blocked out. I believe this calendar is within the plugin you provide to my site. The weekends are the peak times for a business like mine. I'm willing to pay for a separate plugin if need be. I will need help getting this sorted because the web designer refuses to give me the purchase codes that are mine to own. if you can help me with the codes that belong to my site that would also be helpful. I look forward to hearing from you.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Drew,

    thank you for reaching out to ussmile.png

    Unfortunately, in order to access the purchase code, you would need to login into our store - however, this can only be done with licence owner credentials, which developer, as the person who purchased the plugin, owns.

    It would be needed that you purchase the plugin on your own, I'm afraid, if you haven't directly purchased that licence they provided from our store or a reseller.

    I'm really sorry that we cannot help much in this situation.