In a beauty salon, I have two masseuses who offer the same services. And, they use two cabins: cabin #1 and cabin #2.
Depending on the service, cabin #1 or #2 is adapted.
How is it possible to book the employee and also book cabin #1 or #2 depending on the service? Note: The end customer does not know if it is in cabin#1 or #2. Therefore, the customer cannot be asked to select an employee and the cabin.
Could you please recommend a solution? Thank you very much.
Thank you for your reply. Your proposition is interesting. How do you hide the "employee/location" choice from the front end for a specific service or category ?
I understand that there is only the logic based on the combination "Employee/Location".
We could also imagine to set these BEAUTY appointments with the status "PENDING" so that the employee will asign the location before approving. The employee can manually check the availability of the location via the CALENDAR. What do you think ?
thank you for the kind reply; I apologize for the later response as we don't work on weekends.
We can hide "employee/location" choice with custom CSS from the frontend.
As location is tied to an employee as well, you would only be able to assign the appointment to the preexisting location connected to that service and to one of the employees.
Do you mean that we can assign a location per service or per employee ? I believed that only the link to the employee was available. Because I do not see the field "Location" in the SERVICE setting tabs.
How do you assign a location to a service please? Thank you and regards, Fred
you can connect a service and a location via Employee Work Hours.
Go to Amelia > Employees > select an employee > Work Hours; here you can choose the shift, start time and end time, choose the service for that shift, and a location.
It comes very clear. Just a last question of clarification.
If I set:
(1) Noemi in Location "Cabine1" with the Service "X" from 10 to 12 am
(2) Anne in Location "Cabine1" also and in "Cabine 2" with the Service "X" and "Y" from 10 to 12am
When Amelia Booking will receive new appointments (e.g. Paul who wants Service "X" from 10 to 12 am and Georges who wants Service "X" or "Y" in the same timeframe, ie from 10 to 12 am), do you know if Amelia will consider that Paul will be with Noemi in "Cabine1" and Georges with Anne in "Cabine 2" (because Amelia knows that "Cabine1" is not available).
In other words, I am wondering whether AMELIA considers also the location availability (in addition to the employee availability). Or do we have to assign an employee to a location ?
I ask these questions because today (without AMELIA), Noemi and Anne share the locations "Cabine1" and "Cabine2" according to their needs based on the appointments received by phone. They are not always in Cabine 1 or 2 in a specific timeframe because each cabine has specific capabilities in terms of service supported.
Yes, Amelia will consider all factors: does Noemi have an available booking, does Anne, and on which location.
But bear in mind that if Noemi or Anne have multiple locations assigned they have to be at different hours.
Cabin 1 and Cabin 2 can be at the same location, but for example Anne can only work these 2 services on one location during one shift (as she can't be at two places at the same time unless you don't choose a particular location for her work hours, then she will be available on all locations until one is booked; then another location becomes unavailable for that same time slot for Anne).
in that case you would connect them both to both locations; unfortunately they cannot perform a service at two locations at the same time; you can try not choosing the locations and just connecting the services, to avoid the conflicting shifts.
I am not sure to understand. Actually we need to assign a list of services to CABIN1, another list to CABIN2 and a last list of services possible in CABIN1 & CABIN2.
And then AMELIA assigns a SERVICE to the EMPLOYEE according to their availability + to a CABIN according the location availability (and only if the SERVICE is possible in this LOCATION).
Issue: AMELIA allows to assign one employee to one LOCATION or to all the locations within a timeframe. AMELIA does not enable to define LOCATION(s) for a SERVICE.
Here is an example to illustrate the issue:
>> The service "LPG" is only possiblre from CABIN2 but Noemi and Anne can do a service "LPG". But they cannot have a "LPG" service at the same time since there is only one CABIN available to offer this service.
Except if I am wrong AMELIA cannot assign a LOCATION for each SERVICE. And AMELIA does not allow to set the number of EMPLOYEE for each LOCATION.
That is why it seems not to be possible to have 2 employee who is sharing 2 LOCATIONS according to the service selected.
I do not see a workaround. Do you have an idea ? :-(
thank you for the kind reply!I apologize for the later response as we don't work on weekends.
The Locations are assigned to Services, by going to either:
- Amelia > Employee > Edit Employee > choose a Location in this field:
Or by going to Amelia > Employee > Edit Employee > Work Hours, and choosing specific working hours for that location and service:
You can also leave location field blank meaning that this schedule will apply to all locations.
However, please bear in mind that locations don't overlap if you are making separate schedules.
Hence, there is no location availability, only employee availability; this is why it is better to make Cabins as employees instead, as if you have both Noemi and Anne, cabin 1, despite being only one, will still be available when someone books Noemi, because Anne is still available.
Thank you for your reply. Actually, I think there is a missing feature in AMELIA to be able to manage the location availability or eventually the availability of a material or a ressource (Cabin or Hairdryer, etc).
I hope this feature will be planned soon by your Product team.
In the meantime, I am looking for the best workaround in order to enable the following organisation and to maximise the availability of the cabins and the two employees.
If I understood correctly your suggestion, it would be to configure the "cabins" as "employees". So, I need to remove the Employee Noemi and Anne. Then, I create 2 "employees" named "Cabin1" and "Cabin2". Is it correct?
One of the constraint is that the end customer is not able to select her favorite Employee for the massage for instance. And how Anne or Noemi will know who is assigned to a specific appointment?
Unfortunately we will not maximise the availability of the cabins and the two employees with this workaround.
Expected configuration (which is not possible today with AMELIA)
"Cabin1" for all services (massages and beauty treatments) with Noemi by default.
"Cabin2" for all LPG services with Noemi or Anne because LPG equipment is only available in "Cabin2".
"Cabin1" for all MASSAGE services with Noemi or Anne because MASSAGE equipment is only available in "Cabin1".
"Cabin2" for Noemi's beauty treatments if and only if Anne gives a massage in "Cabin1".
I agree, this would suit the set up that you're trying to make in a best way; location availability that wouldn't be bound to employee availability.
"Cabin1" for all services (massages and beauty treatments) with Noemi by default.
Noemi can be attached to all services, and with this chosen location.
"Cabin2" for all LPG services with Noemi or Anne because LPG equipment is only available in "Cabin2".
Noemi and Anne could both be attached to LPG service if Noemi has all services and Anne has Massage and LPG.
"Cabin1" for all MASSAGE services with Noemi or Anne because MASSAGE equipment is only available in "Cabin1".
"Cabin2" for Noemi's beauty treatments if and only if Anne gives a massage in "Cabin1".
This last one is a conflict - Noemi can do beauty treatments, but it would not matter in which cabin, that is the issue, and she would not be bound to Anne in any way, they would both still have Cabin 1 available.
I will also make this suggestion to the developers; thank you for submitting it! I apologize that I couldn't make a workaround for this.
When a feature request is raised, is it possible to know when it could be available (estimated planning)?
Without a workaround via AMELIA or manual, it is a blocking issue and not a "Nice to have" feature.
I understand there is no AMELIA workaround. Do you think that we could imagine a manual workaround via Admin view or via the synchronisation of a Google calendar in order to manage the conflict manually ?
Implementation depends on the number of requests a feature has; when it reaches high number of requests (votes and submission) it's considered for implementation (how we can implement it along with existing features so that it serves the client in the best way), and further created, tested, before releasing.
Time of releasing depends on the feature's behavior as well - we want to make sure that it's fully tested before the release.
I understand that this is an essential feature for you, Frédéric, this is why I suggested to add it as a feature request - there weren't many requests so far for it so it was not implemented yet. If we could make a workaround at the moment, I would gladly provide it; unfortunately, this type of feature would require a lot of changes and testing in order to be implemented and cannot be created easily as a workaround.
Dear Support.
In a beauty salon, I have two masseuses who offer the same services. And, they use two cabins: cabin #1 and cabin #2.
Depending on the service, cabin #1 or #2 is adapted.
How is it possible to book the employee and also book cabin #1 or #2 depending on the service? Note: The end customer does not know if it is in cabin#1 or #2. Therefore, the customer cannot be asked to select an employee and the cabin.
Could you please recommend a solution? Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Hi Frédéric,
thank you for contacting
You can simply create 2 "employees" named cabin 1 and cabin 2.
Assign them both to all services.
Then, we can hide the employee choice from the booking window from the frontend, so that customer cannot see or choose cabin / employee.
They will only be able to choose a service, date, and time, and Amelia will automatically assign to the first available employee / cabin
Would this work for you?
Hi Ivana,
Thank you for your reply. Your proposition is interesting. How do you hide the "employee/location" choice from the front end for a specific service or category ?
I understand that there is only the logic based on the combination "Employee/Location".
We could also imagine to set these BEAUTY appointments with the status "PENDING" so that the employee will asign the location before approving. The employee can manually check the availability of the location via the CALENDAR. What do you think ?
Thank you and regards,
Hi Frédéric,
thank you for the kind reply; I apologize for the later response as we don't work on weekends.
We can hide "employee/location" choice with custom CSS from the frontend.
As location is tied to an employee as well, you would only be able to assign the appointment to the preexisting location connected to that service and to one of the employees.
Hi Ivana,
Do you mean that we can assign a location per service or per employee ? I believed that only the link to the employee was available. Because I do not see the field "Location" in the SERVICE setting tabs.
How do you assign a location to a service please? Thank you and regards, Fred
Hi Frédéric,
you can connect a service and a location via Employee Work Hours.
Go to Amelia > Employees > select an employee > Work Hours; here you can choose the shift, start time and end time, choose the service for that shift, and a location.
Hi Ivana,
It comes very clear. Just a last question of clarification.
If I set:
(1) Noemi in Location "Cabine1" with the Service "X" from 10 to 12 am
(2) Anne in Location "Cabine1" also and in "Cabine 2" with the Service "X" and "Y" from 10 to 12am
When Amelia Booking will receive new appointments (e.g. Paul who wants Service "X" from 10 to 12 am and Georges who wants Service "X" or "Y" in the same timeframe, ie from 10 to 12 am), do you know if Amelia will consider that Paul will be with Noemi in "Cabine1" and Georges with Anne in "Cabine 2" (because Amelia knows that "Cabine1" is not available).
In other words, I am wondering whether AMELIA considers also the location availability (in addition to the employee availability). Or do we have to assign an employee to a location ?
I ask these questions because today (without AMELIA), Noemi and Anne share the locations "Cabine1" and "Cabine2" according to their needs based on the appointments received by phone. They are not always in Cabine 1 or 2 in a specific timeframe because each cabine has specific capabilities in terms of service supported.
I hope that I am clear enough.
Thank you and regards,
Hi Frédéric,
Yes, Amelia will consider all factors: does Noemi have an available booking, does Anne, and on which location.
But bear in mind that if Noemi or Anne have multiple locations assigned they have to be at different hours.
Cabin 1 and Cabin 2 can be at the same location, but for example Anne can only work these 2 services on one location during one shift (as she can't be at two places at the same time unless you don't choose a particular location for her work hours, then she will be available on all locations until one is booked; then another location becomes unavailable for that same time slot for Anne).
Hi Ivana,
Actually, Anne and Noemi share the LOCATION "Cabine1" or "Cabine2" according the service.
Here are the existing rules applied. What is the confirguration that I can set in AMELIA please? Many thanks Ivana
Cabin 1 for all Noemi's services by default.
Cabin 2 for Noemi's service "LPG" and "BEAUTY" only when Anne needs to use "Cabin1" for a MASSAGE.
Anne uses Cabin 2 for all service except for MASSAGE.
Best regards,
Hi Frédéric,
in that case you would connect them both to both locations; unfortunately they cannot perform a service at two locations at the same time; you can try not choosing the locations and just connecting the services, to avoid the conflicting shifts.
Hi Ivana,
I am not sure to understand. Actually we need to assign a list of services to CABIN1, another list to CABIN2 and a last list of services possible in CABIN1 & CABIN2.
And then AMELIA assigns a SERVICE to the EMPLOYEE according to their availability + to a CABIN according the location availability (and only if the SERVICE is possible in this LOCATION).
Issue: AMELIA allows to assign one employee to one LOCATION or to all the locations within a timeframe. AMELIA does not enable to define LOCATION(s) for a SERVICE.
Here is an example to illustrate the issue:
>> The service "LPG" is only possiblre from CABIN2 but Noemi and Anne can do a service "LPG". But they cannot have a "LPG" service at the same time since there is only one CABIN available to offer this service.
Except if I am wrong AMELIA cannot assign a LOCATION for each SERVICE. And AMELIA does not allow to set the number of EMPLOYEE for each LOCATION.
That is why it seems not to be possible to have 2 employee who is sharing 2 LOCATIONS according to the service selected.
I do not see a workaround. Do you have an idea ? :-(
Hi Frédéric,
thank you for the kind reply!
I apologize for the later response as we don't work on weekends.
The Locations are assigned to Services, by going to either:
- Amelia > Employee > Edit Employee > choose a Location in this field:
Or by going to Amelia > Employee > Edit Employee > Work Hours, and choosing specific working hours for that location and service:
You can also leave location field blank meaning that this schedule will apply to all locations.
However, please bear in mind that locations don't overlap if you are making separate schedules.
Hence, there is no location availability, only employee availability; this is why it is better to make Cabins as employees instead, as if you have both Noemi and Anne, cabin 1, despite being only one, will still be available when someone books Noemi, because Anne is still available.
Hi Ivana,
Thank you for your reply. Actually, I think there is a missing feature in AMELIA to be able to manage the location availability or eventually the availability of a material or a ressource (Cabin or Hairdryer, etc).
I added my feedback to the following feature request
I hope this feature will be planned soon by your Product team.
In the meantime, I am looking for the best workaround in order to enable the following organisation and to maximise the availability of the cabins and the two employees.
If I understood correctly your suggestion, it would be to configure the "cabins" as "employees". So, I need to remove the Employee Noemi and Anne. Then, I create 2 "employees" named "Cabin1" and "Cabin2". Is it correct?
One of the constraint is that the end customer is not able to select her favorite Employee for the massage for instance. And how Anne or Noemi will know who is assigned to a specific appointment?
Unfortunately we will not maximise the availability of the cabins and the two employees with this workaround.
Expected configuration (which is not possible today with AMELIA)
"Cabin1" for all services (massages and beauty treatments) with Noemi by default.
"Cabin2" for all LPG services with Noemi or Anne because LPG equipment is only available in "Cabin2".
"Cabin1" for all MASSAGE services with Noemi or Anne because MASSAGE equipment is only available in "Cabin1".
"Cabin2" for Noemi's beauty treatments if and only if Anne gives a massage in "Cabin1".
Thank you for your help in advance. Regards,
Hi Frédéric,
I agree, this would suit the set up that you're trying to make in a best way; location availability that wouldn't be bound to employee availability.
"Cabin1" for all services (massages and beauty treatments) with Noemi by default.
Noemi can be attached to all services, and with this chosen location.
"Cabin2" for all LPG services with Noemi or Anne because LPG equipment is only available in "Cabin2".
Noemi and Anne could both be attached to LPG service if Noemi has all services and Anne has Massage and LPG.
"Cabin1" for all MASSAGE services with Noemi or Anne because MASSAGE equipment is only available in "Cabin1".
"Cabin2" for Noemi's beauty treatments if and only if Anne gives a massage in "Cabin1".
This last one is a conflict - Noemi can do beauty treatments, but it would not matter in which cabin, that is the issue, and she would not be bound to Anne in any way, they would both still have Cabin 1 available.
I will also make this suggestion to the developers; thank you for submitting it! I apologize that I couldn't make a workaround for this.
Hi Ivana,
When a feature request is raised, is it possible to know when it could be available (estimated planning)?
Without a workaround via AMELIA or manual, it is a blocking issue and not a "Nice to have" feature.
I understand there is no AMELIA workaround. Do you think that we could imagine a manual workaround via Admin view or via the synchronisation of a Google calendar in order to manage the conflict manually ?
Thank you and regards,
Hi Frédéric,
thank you for contacting back
Implementation depends on the number of requests a feature has; when it reaches high number of requests (votes and submission) it's considered for implementation (how we can implement it along with existing features so that it serves the client in the best way), and further created, tested, before releasing.
Time of releasing depends on the feature's behavior as well - we want to make sure that it's fully tested before the release.
I understand that this is an essential feature for you, Frédéric, this is why I suggested to add it as a feature request - there weren't many requests so far for it so it was not implemented yet. If we could make a workaround at the moment, I would gladly provide it; unfortunately, this type of feature would require a lot of changes and testing in order to be implemented and cannot be created easily as a workaround.
Hi Frédéric,
thank you for contacting back!
Thank you as well for such a kind offer; however, the only way a development of a feature can be accelerated is if more people vote for the feature.