  Public Ticket #2806947
Show service description in Category View


  • Alexander started the conversation


    I am trying to fit your service category view into my design and I am struggling to find out how to show descriptions for each service.

    I am using shortcode `[ameliacatalog category=1]` and then removing the image, category and thumbnail with CSS. However, I certainly need to add a short description. Just 3-4 lines that end with three dots. And having an option to alter View More link text would be great as well.

    Would there be a hook to force description display in the category list view?

    I attached an image of what I mean

    It would be great if you could add an option to edit how our treatments display in the settings of the plugin.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Alexander

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Each service has a description field, but it can only be displayed in the Catalog view (if you use [ameliacatalog] shortcode).

    If you are not planning to use the Catalog view, I suppose the best way would be to use "Text Content" custom field.

    Unfortunately something like you've described is not yet available in Amelia.

    The only description available is the description you see when you access the service.

     I'll kindly ask you to add it as a feature suggestion on this page. 

    Features are pushed up on our "to-do" list when there are a lot of customers requesting those features, so having your vote as a customer can be beneficial to this feature being developed sooner.