  Public Ticket #2800589
time slot


  • iloop started the conversation


    For appointment booking, is is possible to set a maximum of persons for each  time slots. Decrementing after each booking ?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi iloop

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    If you want a certain number of customers to book the same appointment - one time slot with one employee, you need to set the Maximum capacity of the service to be that desired number and then enable the option Allow booking below minimum capacity: in Amelia -> Settings -> Appointments. 


    If this option is disabled when the min is set that time slot will be closed for booking for other customers, and if it is enabled more (separate) customers can book the same time slot until the maximum capacity is reached. You can read more about the appointments settings here

  • iloop replied


    OK thanks a lot, so i note there is a possibility to limit Maximum capacity per time slot.

    About recurring apointments, time slots will be duplicate too ?


  • [deleted] replied

    You are most welcomesmile.png

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to set max limit of time slots in recurring appointments. 

    However, probably this functionality can be achieved not with recurring appointments but with packages. Packages of Services is a feature that allows creating packages of multiple appointments (of the same or different services). In that case, the services that are included in the package and the number of appointments will be fixed, and the price will be set for the whole package. You can see more information here.

    Please note that the Packages feature is only available for Amelia Pro and Developer licenses.

  • iloop replied

    Actually i manage a treetop adventure park (1 activity/1employee), i need to allow bookings for each week days , these days have time slots and  each time slot is limited in quantity (30 persons maxi).

    So could i set day with the good time slots and repeat it all the year ?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi iloop

    For this use-case you would only need to set your employee and service, set the work hours per day and the maximum capacity per time slot (set the duration of the service to match the duration of a time slot to avoid any issues). Once set it will stay like this indefinitely or until you decide to make any changes. 

  • iloop replied

    OK thanks , great.

    And can it be done without Employee and services ? I only book the park entrance

  • [deleted] replied

    You are most welcomesmile.png

    You can only set up Events without having any employees or services. Please have a look at our documentation for more detailed information.

    Please note that at the moment, only Weekly, Monthly or Yearly recurring events exist in the plugin. You would need to create an event which spans across one week, and then set the recurrence to be weekly if you want to have it available every day..

  • iloop replied

    Tell me if i am wrong but with event i can't select time slot on a calendar, right ?

    and that is what i need.


  • [deleted] replied

    Unfortunately not, the only way to do this is to create different events for different time periods.

    Do let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.