  Public Ticket #2800512
How to hide placeholder


  •  1
    Takahiro started the conversation


    Does anyone know why this happens?

    I would like to hide placeholder.

    Thank you.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Takahiro!

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    Amelia adjusts to the theme that is used on your site. Basically, there's supposed to be a country flag but for some reason (probably because of the colors) it's not displayed.

    Could you please clarify if you want to hide only the marked section? Only, please provide us with the URL to the booking page, so we will be able to avoid misunderstanding.

    Best Regards. 

  •  1
    Takahiro replied

    Hi Liza,

    Thank you for your replying!

    I would like to hide only marked section.

    Where do I write down the URL? Here?


  •   Takahiro replied privately
  • [deleted] replied


    Sorry for the delayed response.

    Please try to add this CSS to the booking page:

    .el-input-group__prepend {display: none;}

    It should hide the flag selection drop-down.

    If you need help with adding custom CSS to the page, please take a look at this article.

    Best Regards. 

  •   Takahiro replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Could you please clarify if it didn't work at all or you didn't like the way it worked? Also, how did you add CSS to the page?

    I'm afraid, it's not possible to hide the entire phone field since it doesn't have its own class, therefore we can't select it. 

    Best Regards.

  •   Takahiro replied privately
  •   [deleted] replied privately
  •   Takahiro replied privately
  •   [deleted] replied privately