  Public Ticket #2797045
Google Meets Link In Customer Email Notification


  • Adhir Soechit started the conversation

    Good day, based on the information presented here: https://wpamelia.com/google-meet/ I recognize that Amelia can send invitations to both customers and staff to join a google meeting. However, can this invite be integrated into a custom email when a customer has been approved for a meeting. Also, can the google meets location (virtual) be set to an actual location?

  • Adhir Soechit replied

    Also, can customers set a calendar event for the meeting, based on the invite they have received for the google meeting automatically? Can this calendar event work for outlook, office 365, google calendar etc. ?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Adhir!

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    1. I'm afraid, at the moment Google meet invite can't be added to email Notifications. 

    2. I'm not sure I understood your question regarding locations. Do you want your Google meet location to be a physical one? Then you can use email Notifications and specify the location through the %location_address% placeholder, for example.

    3. Yes, you can send ICS files in email Notifications, so your Customers will be able to add them to any of the Calendars that you've mentioned.

    Best Regards.

  • Adhir Soechit replied

    Hi Liza,

    Thank you for your response. Is there a way to hide staff members from showing in the front end? In my use case, there will be one service provided and 4 employees for that service. Is it possible when a customer books an appointment, that it comes to the manager first, then the manager would select who is responsible for this booking? I don't want the booking to be automatically assigned to an employee.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Adhir!

    I'm afraid, at the moment it's possible only to hide the Employee selection drop-down. An Employee should be assigned to an appointment in order to complete the booking. 

    Probably, it can be achieved through a workaround: you can set the default Appointment status to Pending and disable the Appointment Pending email notification to Employees, and also delete the placeholders that identify Employee from the Appointment Pending to Customers. Then you can hide the Employee selection drop-down on the booking form. 

    After an appointment is complete, your Manager can re-assign it to another Employee and change the status to Confirmed, and then both Employee and Customer will receive Appointment Approved email notifications.

    Best Regards.