  Public Ticket #2782860
Amelia Spanish translation for versión 3.3


  •  10
    Melvin started the conversation

    In the attached file you will find the complete Spanish translation of Amelia version 3.3.

  •  10
    Melvin replied

    Please add this note for the next Spanish translations.

    I found an error in a translation already done.

    The translation for "Placeholder Copied" was "Marcador de posición comprado" and the correct translation is: "Marcador de posción copiado".

    Please send this note to the translation team to correct that error in the next version of Amelia.

    Best regards,

    Melvin Brea

    Placeholder Copied

  • [deleted] replied

    Thank you very much Melvin; you are greatsmile.png

    We appreciate the full translation; I have forwarded both it and and the remark to the editor.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Melvin,

    May I ask you another favor? We are missing the lines below for the website translations, can you kindly advise:

    NEW Amelia 3.3
    Introducing Mollie effortless payments and Google meet integration. And much more.

    Mollie Payment Getaways

    Accept customer payments online at the moment of booking. Choose the payment getaway you wish with our out-of-the-box integrations with Mollie.

    Google Meet Integration

    Let your customers schedule online virtual meetings and book online events while getting instant confirmation and access links in the notifications for Google meet. (edited) 

  •  10
    Melvin replied

    Of course. ;o)

    NUEVO Amelia 3.3

    Presentamos la facilidad de pagos a través de Mollie, la integración con Google Meet, y mucho más.

    Pasarela de pago de Mollie

    Acepte pagos en línea de sus clientes en el momento de la reserva. Seleccione la pasarela de pago que desee, ahora con nuestra nueva integración con Mollie, listas para usar.

    Integración de Google Meet

    Permita que sus clientes programen reuniones y eventos virtuales en línea, obteniendo confirmaciones instantáneas y enlaces de acceso en las notificaciones de Google Meet y en Google Calendar.

    Best regards,

    Melvin Brea

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Melvin,

    thank you so much!smile.png

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Melvin,

    I hope that you are well!

    My colleague asked if there is any chance that we can ask you to let us know about the translation of the following line:

    A dummy WordPress website for Barbershops with booking - nice and easy implementation of Barbershop booking website with Bridge theme and Amelia WordPress booking plugin.

    Thank you for helping making Amelia site in Spanish possiblesmile.png