  Public Ticket #2774499
Event Pricing


  • Shay Williams started the conversation

    Hi folks, 

    Does the full version of Amelia support sliding scale pricing? We're currently charging $25-100 per event. The only options I see in the free version is to either set the price as $25 and add the sliding scale range in the event's description, hoping that clients will choose to pay more, or set the price somewhere in the middle of our range and ask everyone to pay that fixed amount. Neither of these is really ideal for us. 

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Shay,

    thank you for taking interest in Amelia, and for contacting ussmile.png

    Unfortunately we only have fixed prices at the moment within Amelia features.

    You can suggest that as a feature request here, or check if there is such request there and vote for it. 

    We have a lot of feature requests,  the most requested features are in the top of the list and we really try to implement as many new features in each update.