  Public Ticket #2772785
group statut


  • Geuil started the conversation


    First of all thank you for your plugin!

    I have used your plugin several times before. I have a question on a more specific use. I want to use the plugin to be able to book slots of 3 hours (for admission tests) with 2 possible people maximum (without minimum) (2 separate people can make an appointment independently who are not related to 2 employees but only one).

    However, I did some tests and when I decide to put the default status “pending” and that I validate a first reservation on a time slot, the status of the entire group changes to approved (while I go to the tab “edit”) the problem is that when a next person arrives while booking this same time slot, the person receives the notification that their appointment was initially approved…whereas I want to manage it manually.

    Do you have any idea how can I use it in the right way for this specific case?

    The idea is that a time slot is available for a maximum of 2 people, but that I can independently control whether or not I validate 1 person without doing it as a group.

    I can possibly create 2 employees if necessary but is it possible to make this invisible for the user (i.e. it is not to choose an employee)

    Best regards

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    thank you for reaching out to us!

    You can approve the attendees separately for one appointment, by going to Appointments. If more than one person booked the same slot you should see this:


    If you change the status here from Pending to Approved, all customers will be approved.

    To change the status for one customer only (or only few customers which you want to), click Edit.

    Here you will be given a choice which customer's appointment you'd like to Approve of, as they will have separate status circles (they are both orange for Pending; click on a circle and choose green to Approve):


    Now, please bear in mind that even if you approve one customer in the group, and Save, you will see Approved status on the main tab in the Appointments. But don't worry - if you go to Edit again you will see that only customers you chose to approve have been approved.

    I hope this helps.

  • Geuil replied

    Thank you very much for your answer ! I have understood for this operation.
    However, what happens in my test is that when a single customer makes a reservation, the overall status changes to "approved". When a future customer books on this same time slot, he therefore automatically receives an approved appointment notification ... However, I do not know where the problem comes from. I have performed several tests and the notification is sent despite my "pending" configuration. 

    How to solve this problem ?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    thank you for the kind reply!

    I see; please go back to the Amelia > Appointments, and Edit this appointment.

    Change the group status to Pending, and Save. 

    Now every next person will be Pending; just make sure that when you individually approve one person's booking, that the group status is Pending.


  • Geuil replied

    Thank you for your answer ! But this is the problem (because we both agree on this case). For my use case : When a first person books and I'm going to approve (like in your screenshot, not to the "group"), just a second person who books on this time slot automatically receives the notification that it's approved then that I did not do any manual action. This is the whole problem because I understood well how it should work. Do you know where the problem could come from?

    Is this a capacity issue?


    (when I put 2 and 2 on the capacities, the problem is that the notification is only sent when the 2 slots are "approved" ...)

    I would really like to know where the problem is coming from so that I can use it properly! Thanks again !

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    thank you for elaborating.

    I have contacted a colleague to assist me on the matter, as I cannot replicate the issue on my side (my test customers get emails individually).

    It would be amazing if you could provide me with a temporary WP admin login that I can use and test this on your backend.

  •   Geuil replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    thank you so much for the credentials!

    Unfortunately, I don't have your site URL; please send it so that I can log in.

  •   Geuil replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    thank you for the credentials; I have attempted making arrangements for 2 customers at once; however, it's also essential that I have access to the setting bar as well for this purpose.

    Please change the login role to admin, so that I can proceed.

  •   Geuil replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    Have you changed the role?

  •   Geuil replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    thank you!

    I tried replicating this on your backend still does not happen in the same way. I can still approve only one person.

    Did you make these test appointments from the frontend or the backend as New Appointment?

  • Geuil replied

    Hi ! Appointments are made from the front-end. I still had the case earlier: when a group is 'approved' it remains 'pending' in the back end but the 'approved' notification is sent ... which creates confusion. .. the case happened in particular on the configuration "WECAIR" in upper case. Maybe it comes from a different configuration from the others (on the services or employees) I don't know maybe can you enlighten me?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    thank you for the kind reply.

    I am unable to create backend appointments; however, you can try one more thing, beside following the previous instructions to edit the appointment and approve only one customer, then change group status to pending again:

    You can change my role so that I can make backend appointments, so that I can see if this happens for them too.

    Also, please update your WordPress and your Amelia to the latest versions.

  •   Geuil replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geul,

    thank you for your patience.

    I apologize for such late reply - I have found the cause.

    As I could not replicate the issue at first, it seems that it was not about the pending status at all. You had the option Allow Booking Below Minimum Capacity enabled and this is why all approvals were automatic. I have now turned it off, please proceed.

  • Geuil replied

    Ok I see thank you! Despite this (if the case arises) will it be possible on a meeting slot with a maximum capacity of 2 people to have only 1 person on this same slot? I will continue testing, thank you very much for your time!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil!

    Absolutely - maximum is just a maximum, the biggest capacity of people that you can accept to one appointment (so if it's 2 then you can accept 1 or 2 people, not more than that)smile.png

  • Geuil replied

    thank you for everything !
    One last question, why can't I reserve a time slot like for example here in the morning:

    while I have that one person who booked?


    and that I'm supposed to have 2 slots available :


    when only one person has booked and it is approved the time slot is no longer available ...

    it would seem that the problem does not arise when the minimum capacity is activated ...

    Reminder of my use case:

    1 single employee who can take on 1 slot 2 people (totally independently) that I can also "approve" independently.

     Do you know how to properly configure this ?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    thank you for contacting back.

    This can happen if you are trying to do this via frontend as Admin, are you logged into admin while testing this?

    Please let me know.

  • Geuil replied

    no I tried while logged in as administrator and without the problem is the same. If I don't activate "allow minimum capacity" i have the problem

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    thank you for letting me know.

    I will forward your credentials to the developer again, as I cannot recreate this situation still; on my side, minimum capacity closes the booking after one person books, that is how it's set up.

    For the group booking for multiple people one is approved, and the email arrives to one person only.

    I have to approve the other one manually and I can change the group status to pending.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    I hope that you are wellsmile.png

    This is the feedback we received - if the maximum capacity is above 1, and this is turned off, the time slot will close.

     If it's enabled, it will not close until the maximum capacity is reached. 

    It has nothing to do with being logged in as admin.

  • Geuil replied

    Yes it's ok thank you I hope you too! Thank you again for your time. I actually don't know if I'm using it the right way. My objective is to have a slot for 2 people maximum but totally independent, a first person reserves, and a second independent person of the first can reserve if it is available on this same slot.

    My case is not really a group booking, just 2 max availabilities, I can validate or not 1 or 2 of the same slot independently (because we check some customer data before we can validate the slot for example) (the minimum is 0 if no one is booking, and then can be 1 or 2 depending on the booking). 

    Do you think I have the right settings for this right now (because deactivating the minimum capacity is a problem) ?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    thank you for the kind reply!smile.png

    Yes, these are the correct settings.

    As advised, if you have status on automatically approved, when the first person books, they will get approved. Then the second one books, they get approved as well.

    If you use automatically pending as a status, when the first person books, they will be pending and waiting for the confirmation.

    Same with the second person.

    Now, in this case you go into Amelia > Appointments, and approve only one of them.

    Only that person gets the email, and the status of the appointment will show Approved.

    But, if you go back into that Appointment (to Edit it), you will see that the person you approved is approved, but that the other person is still pending.

    You can then either:

    Approve the other person if you want 

    Reject them

  • Geuil replied

    Hi thanks !

    Hoever I still have the problem...

    At the same time without manual action, the person who booked in a slot where a person is already approved is also approved. She receives an email saying the appointment is approved while it is pending on the back office ...

    Like the photo below...

    So I do not understand comment this is possible?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Geuil,

    thank you for contacting backsmile.png

    I have consulted a senior colleague, and we have forwarded the inquiry to a developer; so I will contact you back as soon as possible.

    My apologies for the delay as we are currently working with an update; I will make sure to contact you with information as soon as I cansmile.png

  • Nobel replied


    I have the same issue..

    Did this get an update?


  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Nobel

    The notifications are being sent based on the status of the appointment, not the customer, so this has not been changed yet.

    We have created a task for our developers to take a look at this at some point in the future, but at the moment there's no solution other than not changing the status of the appointment until the max capacity is reached. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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