  Public Ticket #2768249
Multiple Phone Numbers per Customer


  • Samuel started the conversation


    is it possible for an employee in the backend (can't see/edit the custom fields that could be used for that) to enter multiple phone numbers like mobile, work, home for a customer? Would be cool if one could add that manually when creating a customer and also customers need to enter that, when registering/booking.

    Appreciate any help/answer.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Samuel!

    Thank you for choosing Amelia.

    I'm afraid, at the moment it's not possible to add any Custom fields to the Customer profile. Custom fields are being saved in the appointment modal, so they can be added/found there.

    You can suggest that as a feature request here, or check if this request was already submitted and vote for it. 

    Please let us know if you have any other questions.

    Best Regards.