thank you for reaching out to us, and for taking interest in Amelia.
We do have automatically generated coupons that will be sent to the customer after a predetermined number of approved appointments; you can see more about it here, and let me know after that if you have more questions about them
Would you mind letting me know in a bit more detail about the coupons you need? Unfortunately we don't have the ones that can be purchased and applied as vouchers for example, gift vouchers from one person to another.
Hi, my client is interested in using Amelia, but has expressed the need for a gift voucher type system. (User can purchase a coupon code, essentially)
Does Amelia have anything like this?
or... the ability to generate a coupon code programmatically?
If it's a matter of interacting with an API, could you please point me at the documentation so that I can see what is involved with coding a solution?
Thank you,
Hi Gareth,
thank you for reaching out to us, and for taking interest in Amelia.
We do have automatically generated coupons that will be sent to the customer after a predetermined number of approved appointments; you can see more about it here, and let me know after that if you have more questions about them
Interesting, but that's obviously not what I am asking about.
Hi Gareth,
thank you for the kind reply.
Would you mind letting me know in a bit more detail about the coupons you need? Unfortunately we don't have the ones that can be purchased and applied as vouchers for example, gift vouchers from one person to another.
Let me know