  Public Ticket #2738999
How not to show Events that has been already ended.


  •  1
    Shota started the conversation


    Is there any short code that list Events without events that has been already ended or has not been opened yet.

    Many thanks,

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Shota,

    thank you for contacting again!

    We can try doing that for you with custom CSS - can you please send me your page where events are?

  •   Shota replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Shota!

    Here is the code:

    .am-event-list .closed {display: none !important;}

    This only hides the events with the status "closed" from the page. They are, however, still present. So, if the page displays 12 events, and 9 of those are "closed", the page will hide them, so only 3 events will appear on the page.