Sure - these lines can be exchanged by using Loco Translate or POEDIT. I suggest Loco Translate as it's is a direct WP plugin.
You can download it to your WP in Plugins, open it, select Amelia, and select US. Then you will see all the titles from Amelia, just find Events and "translate" (rename) it to Classes.
is there a way to update the labels on the front end as I'd like to rename Events as Classes
See screenshot of customer panel with 'Events' tab, which I'd like to label Classes
Hi Alex,
thank you for reaching out.
Sure - these lines can be exchanged by using Loco Translate or POEDIT. I suggest Loco Translate as it's is a direct WP plugin.
You can download it to your WP in Plugins, open it, select Amelia, and select US. Then you will see all the titles from Amelia, just find Events and "translate" (rename) it to Classes.
I hope this helps!