The file you are trying to import is not formatted correctly so the plugin is unable to read the values properly and it results with an error.
Please note there are some limitation when trying to import Excel files.
Formulas and merged cells are not supported.
Formatting applied in the original file (font families, color, size, fill color, etc.) will not be copied over to the wpDataTable, but you can make whatever adjustment you may need in WpDataTables.
Please try reformatting the file and refrain from using any customization in the Excel file and let us know if it works.
I am getting an error while Create a data table by importing data from a data source. In my case the data source is an excel file.
The error i am receiving is;
There was an error while trying to generate the table! Internal Server Error
There has been a critical error on this website.
Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.
Kindly help me fix this error please.
Hi Wasike
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Could you kindly send us the file so we can try and recreate the issue on our end and find the best solution?
Dear Blaženka,
Thanks a lot for your swift response.
Kindly let me know which file i should send to you please.
Do you mean the zipped wpdatatable plugin is the one i should send you, or which one.
Let me know please.
Thank You
I apologize I should have been more clear.
If you could send us the Excel file you are trying to import that would be great
Thank you
I got you now.
Kindly find the excel file am trying to import below.
Thank You.
Thank you.
The file you are trying to import is not formatted correctly so the plugin is unable to read the values properly and it results with an error.
Please note there are some limitation when trying to import Excel files.
Formulas and merged cells are not supported.
Formatting applied in the original file (font families, color, size, fill color, etc.) will not be copied over to the wpDataTable, but you can make whatever adjustment you may need in WpDataTables.
Please try reformatting the file and refrain from using any customization in the Excel file and let us know if it works.
Alright Blaženka,
Thank you so much for your valued advise,
Let me apply suggested adjustments then get back to you.
Thank You.
You are most welcome.
If you create a simple Excel file you shouldn't face any issues when uploading it but we will await your response to make sure everything is in order