  Public Ticket #2724785
When new customer lost link for set password first time, how can I make the link again?


  •  1
    Shota started the conversation


    When new customer lost link for set password first time, how can I make the link again?

    Some of my customer lost the link and I can't issue the link again..

    many thanks,

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Shota!

    I apologize for the delayed response.

    You should send them the Customer Panel Page URL and please make sure that the Customer Panel Access notification is enabled on the Amelia -> Notifications page.

    So, once they receive the Custom Panel Page URL, they will click on it, and then when they are on the log-in page, they will have to choose the "Forgot password" option and enter their email. After that, they will receive the Customer Panel Access notification with a link that will take them to the password reset form.

    Hope that will help.

    If you have any other questions, please let us know.

    Best Regards.