  Public Ticket #2724438
Customize Event Calendar


  • Fausto started the conversation

    Hello, Is there a way to customize graphics of event calendar?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Fausto,

    thank you for reaching out!

    We only have one layout for the Event calendar currently; for now you can try hiding it with this code:

    #am-event-calendar-page > div.am-event-calendar-holder > div.am-event-upcoming.am-event-right {
        display: none!important;
  • Fausto replied

    Hello, thank you for your reply: but now I see the calendar at 3/4 of the width: how can I extend it to 100% of the width? (https://escursioni.ilponticello.net/canoa-forra-delle-marmitte/)

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Fausto,

    I apologize for the later response as we don't work on weekends.

    We are working on the width and it will be included in one of our future updates; for now, as the events calendar is responsive to the width of your page you can try modifying your page's template to adjust the width.