  Public Ticket #2722469
Booking wizard shortcode


  • Terry started the conversation


    I have another problem.
    In the video "Step-By-Step Booking Wizard" the shortcode is included and in the frontend the required steps appear one by one.

    But on the page everything is displayed at once.
    What could be the reason for this?

    Thanks a lot
    and best regards

  • Terry replied

    I have found the problem.

    But I don't know how to fix it.

    As soon as I choose a custom color in the settings Customize it is displayed like this.  When I save the setting I get a 500 error.

    If I reset this again it is displayed correctly.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi again, Markus!

    Please open the Amelia -> Customize page, click on "Reset" and then on "Save". That should resolve the issue.

    Best Regards.