  Public Ticket #2718694
Employee Panel Page URL


  • Kelli Gwilliam started the conversation

    I have created employees, granted necessary permissions but I'm not getting the panel page url for them to login. 

    Also when the site is published where do we access the system from our individual devices?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Kelli!

    I apologize for the delayed response, we don't work on weekends.

    And thank you for choosing Amelia.

    1. You should create a separate page on your website, add the [ameliaemployeepanel appointments=1 events=1] placeholder on this page, and insert a link to this page into "Employee Panel Page URL" field im Amelia -> Roles Settings (the one on the screenshot you attached). Also, you have to set the password to the Employee panel for each Employee from the back end in the Employee profile. You can see more details on how to do it here.

    2. Also when the site is published where do we access the system from our individual devices? - I'm not sure I understood the question. Could you please clarify it?

    Best Regards.