  Public Ticket #2716383
Plugin will not load


  •  1
    Denis started the conversation

    Hi there , 

    Ever since I recieved the email about the Amelia update the plugin hasnt loaded and its cause a major lag on my website ?

    Could you please help.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Denis,

    thank you for contacting us!

    Could you please let me know if you have followed trough these steps:

    You can update plugin from WordPress Plugins page (deleting the plugin and upload it again) or to update the plugin manually with FTP by following these steps:

    1.) Download zip from this link

    2.) Use FTP to open /yourwordpressfolder/wp-content/plugins

    3.) Delete existing ameliabooking folder.

    4.) Upload previously downloaded ameliabooking folder through FTP to plugins folder (unzip it)

    5.)  Go to WP-admin panel, open Plugins section.

    6.) Deactivate ameliabooking, and then activate it again.

    7.) Clear server and browser cache (IMPORTANT if you are using caching plugin)

    Please note that if you delete old version from WP-admin (by clicking “Delete” in the plugins page) you will not lose your data and settings because it is already saved in database.

    Best regards.