  Public Ticket #2714431
How to add consent at the end?


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    DoctorZoidberg started the conversation

    I am trying to add consent with Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Refund Policy to the form with the payment but can't really find the way to do this. In the custom field with a check box, I cannot add links only text, but I need to add links to separate pages. Like it's usually done with this kind of consent. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello DoctorZoidberg,

    The only custom field that supports HTML at the moment in Amelia is the Text content custom field, the other custom fields don't support HTML, unfortunately. So you would need to add the links that you want to the Text content custom field, and add the checkbox field for customers to check they read the policies and terms of use. I will add this as a feature request to our list, so HTML in the other custom fields can be considered in the future, but please suggest that as a feature request here as well, or check if there is such request there and vote for it. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.

  •  1
    DoctorZoidberg replied

    It is hard to align the custom HTML text field together with the custom checkbox field. They tend to split into different columns. 

    It seems like a very common thing to have a checkbox with a link. Anyway, thanks for the reply and I added the request for this feature. 

  • [deleted] replied

    I hope that the feature will be considered and implemented in one of the future versions of Amelia. You are welcome.

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.