  Public Ticket #2710459
hide the price from the customer bookings panel


  • Katie started the conversation

    Please! Help - I can't work out the CSS to make this happen

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Katie,

    I will be happy to create a custom CSS for you for hiding the price.

    Could you please send me a page where I can access Amelia booking window without registering to your website first?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Katie,

    thank you for the access!

    I apologize for the delayed reply; we don't operate on weekends.

    I have opened the booking window, but it is a free sixty minute session. Is it because it is a first one?

    If it is only because it's the first one are you consent with me creating a "test" appointment, which you can later cancel? I would need to be able to access an Amelia Booking window where the price is visible so that I can access CSS.

  • Katie replied

    Hi - it shows as price £0.00  - I don't want AMELIA to show any prices at any point throughout the site as that's not how we plan to charge

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Katie,

    I understand; however, on the page you gave me, I completed a booking and £0.00 did not show anywhere. Can you please direct me to the exact service where you see this pricing show?

  • Katie replied

    Ok you misunderstand. Once you have made a booking and then navigate to the members booking front end panel (here on https://www.foxandcat.online/my-bookings/) the price of any bookings is visible...see screenshot

  •  3
    Ashley replied

    Hi Katie,

    I hid pricing on my site using the following in my css file (in the child theme)

    .el-row.am-hide-less-than-desktop {

    Hope this helps

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Katie,

    this is within the Customer Panel then, not within the Booking window, thank you for clarifying.

    In that case the code provided by Ashley will be required; thank you Ashley for contribution.