I apologize for this inconvenience, it seems like a bug.
Please follow the instructions below to update the plugin manually:
Check if the option "Delete plugin tables" is disabled in Amelia -> Settings -> Activation before updating the plugin manually (it is disabled by default, but just in case). If this option is enabled, deleting Amelia on the Plugins page will delete Amelia tables and data from the database as well.
Hi, I've downloaded the update you sent me today, but when I try and upload it onto the website it comes up with "The link you followed jas expired"
Hi, Siggi!
Thank you for choosing Amelia.
I apologize for this inconvenience, it seems like a bug.
Please follow the instructions below to update the plugin manually:
Check if the option "Delete plugin tables" is disabled in Amelia -> Settings -> Activation before updating the plugin manually (it is disabled by default, but just in case). If this option is enabled, deleting Amelia on the Plugins page will delete Amelia tables and data from the database as well.
1) Download the zip from our store
2) Use FTP to open /yourwordpressfolder/wp-content/plugins
3) Delete existing ameliabooking folder
4) Upload previously downloaded ameliabooking folder through FTP to plugins folder (unzip it)
5) Go to WP-admin panel, open Plugins section
6) Deactivate Amelia Plugin, and then activate it again
7) Clear server and browser cache
Hope that will help.
Best Regards.