  Public Ticket #2707310
archivo adjunto formatos


  • Javier started the conversation

    cuando el usuario desde el front end selecciona una fecha y servicio le aparece un campo extra que he añadido. ese campo es añadir un archivo .

    Pero el plugin amelia no deja que el usuario desde el frontend seleccione y suba un archivo de video mp4 o mov.

    Solo deja jpg o pdf

    necesito subir videos.

    como puedo hacerlo.

    Muchas gracias por su atencion

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Javier, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    Could you please write your tickets in English as we are afraid somehting will get lost in translation and we won't be able to help out properly? Thank you! 

    These are the supported files for the attachment custom field in Amelia: 

    public static $allowedUploadedFileExtensions = [
            '.jpg'  => 'image/jpeg',
            '.jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
            '.png'  => 'image/png',
            '.mp3'  => 'audio/mpeg',
            '.mpeg' => 'video/mpeg',
            '.mp4'  => 'video/mp4',
            '.txt'  => 'text/plain',
            '.csv'  => 'text/plain',
            '.xls'  => 'application/vnd.ms-excel',
            '.pdf'  => 'application/pdf',
            '.doc'  => 'application/msword',

    So, like you can see in the list there are mpeg and mp4 files, so they are supported and can be uploaded. You can check and access this in the file CustomFieldApplicationService.php at location ../wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/src/Application/Services/CustomField/CustomFieldApplicationService.php

    also you can add there some file types there if you need that, but please note that customization isn't covered by our support, and we can't guarantee it will work , and you would need to apply the change after each update of Amelia.

    The files added are added to the Uploads folder of your WP website (wp-content/uploads/amelia/files) so please chekc if there is any limitation on your server regarding adding these files to this folder. There isn't a size limit in Amelia, but this can depend on the server, so you can check if your server (uploads folder) support those file types and the size you try to add. 

  •   Javier replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Javier. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.